King's Business - 1968-09



Speaking in Tongues and Its Significance for the Church by Laurence Christenson This work represents the thinking o f one involved in the current charis­ matic movement which has been tak­ ing place outside o f the so-called Pentecostal groups. Written by a Lutheran pastor, the book is an at­ tempt to explain the n a tu r e of tongues and its function in the church. Tongues are viewed as one gift o f God helpful to the edification of the individual and the body o f Christ, not to be considered as the only thing. Moderation and tact are urged in its use in the church. Al­ though there are several statements attributing no inferiority or carnali­ ty to those not receiving the gift, the tenor o f the book is that tongues are for all and o f great value to the personal spiritual life. It is just at this point that much theological con­ fusion enters. The baptism o f the Spirit is a post-salvation experience. The experience o f the disciples at Pentecost, the Samaritans (Acts 8) and the believers at Ephesus (Acts 19) are all seen as baptismal experi­ ences instead o f the original recep­ tion o f the Holy Spirit. While bap­ tism o f the Spirit is not necessary fo r salvation it “ is a specific link in a chain o f experience which unites the believer to Christ.” Instructions are given in how to begin speaking in tongues: “ . . . lapse into silence and resolve to speak not a syllable o f any language you have learned . . . lift up your voice and speak out . . . take no particular thought o f what you are saying. . . .” One searches in vain for such instruction in the Word o f God. As a biblical exposition o f tongues this book falls far short. As an ex­ ample o f the modern charismatic thinking, it is worth reading. 141 pages; cloth; Bethany Fellowship, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.; $2.95. — Reviewed by Dr. Robert Saucy. The Place of Women in The Church by Charles Caldwell Ryrie Tracing the effect o f the life of

our Lord on the status o f women from the time o f His birth down through the second and third cen­ turies, the author, who is dean o f the graduate school o f Dallas Theological Seminary, points out specific guide­ lines given in Scripture concerning the ministry o f women. The publica­ tion is a very scholarly work which will be helpful today in a time when there is confusion relative to the place women are to take in the Gos­ pel ministry. — 155 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $2.95. It Is Toward Evening by Vance Havner The title o f the book, taken from Luke 24:29, encourages the Chris­ tian on to victorious living in a day when “ this poor delirious world hur­ tles on toward judgment.” The writ­ er’s familiar style will enrich the Christian’s heart through his pene­ trating and perceptive observations. Fifty short chapters also serve as ex­ cellent daily devotional readings for individual or family fellowship. — 127 pages; paper; Fleming H. Revell Company, Westwood, N .J.; $3.50. BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications) THE SERMON, ITS HOMILETICAL STRUCTURE by Richard C. H. Lenski. 314 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.95. This is a reprint and is one of a series entitled "Notable books on preaching." By precept and example the great Lutheran teacher presents-the proper method of the construction of exposi­ tory sermons. GOD IS FABULOUS (The story of an "u n ­ saved" Christian) by Frances E. Gardner. 93 pages; paper; The Warner Press, Anderson, Ind.; $1.50. The spiritual autobiography of an en­ ergetic mother of two children and at least two Christian youth organizations, who admits to living in her "fabulous fifties." THE GOSPEL FOR AN EXPLODING WORLD by H. Franklin Pascall. 128 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville; $2.95. The president of the great Southern Baptist Convention pointedly and unequivocally shows how the Gospel of God is the answer to the ills of the exploding world in which we live today. He concludes with the challenge that Christians ought "to preach out, teach out. and live out, the gospel before all men" p. 127. HOW TO SEARCH SCRIPTURES by Lloyd M. Perry and Robert D. Culver. 276 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $4.’95. The joint authors do not exhaust the methods of Bible study but they have gone a long way in that direction. This is a thorough treatment of Bible study methods using the Bible itself as the text book and their material as suggestive. It includes bibliographies within the chapters.

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