King's Business - 1968-09

you can add a few remarks or start a converastion — this will be up to you. It is also permissible to say, “ I am very glad to meet you,” but for all-around use the reply “How do you do?” is the most appro­ priate and acceptable. F orms to A void The usage o f such terms as “Charmed,” “ Pleased to meet you,” “ I am pleased to make your acquaintance,” or “Glad to know you” is out o f date and is not practiced by up-to-date teenagers. H andshaking Gentlemen always shake when they are introduced. Ladies, upon being introduced, usually smile, bow slightly and say, “How do you do?” A lady if she desires to shake hands, will always extend her hand first. Men should always remove their gloves when shaking hands. Ladies are not expected to re­ move their gloves. Young men while being introduced should stand and remain standing until after the introduction and until all the women and older men are seated. Let your handshake be firm, not flabby; lively not lifeless; warm and brief, not long and cold. Look directly at the person with whom you are shaking hands, smile and display a friendly expression. Y our D ate and the F am ily When taking your date to meet your parents, prepare him with a little information before the great occasion. Let him know the kind of work your dad does, your mom’s activities and the number and names o f your brothers and sisters. This information will provide conversational material and will establish good contact. “Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour” (Ro­ mans 13:7). DE

Cont. from Page 85 tor or an usher); when shaking hands with a guest speaker or welcoming a visitor, and the like. State your name and then proceed with a conversation. Be extra courteous and careful when intro­ ducing yourself and don’t leave the impression, “ I’m certainly glad you got to meet me.” 10. When introducing two peo­ ple, it is not necessary to repeat each name more than once, such as “ James, meet John: John, this is James.” Usually if a person’s name is hard to pronounce, the owner will spell it for you. At no time is it in good taste for you to ask him to spell it for you. Al­ ways avoid asking someone point- blank, “What is your name?” This is very abrupt and unflattering. Ask someone who knows the per­ son and then address him or her properly by saying, “ How do you do, Miss Smith,” or “How are you, Mr. Jones.” It is never correct to say, “Let me introduce Paul Sack,” “ I want to make you acquainted with Jack Johnson,” “Mr. Pounds, shake hands with Mr. Keith,” or “Meet Patsy Walker.” It is bad taste to introduce someone by saying, “ This is my friend, Sam Standby,” or “ I want you to meet my girl friend, Sue Standout.” It implies that he or she is your friend and the other person is not. Also, watch how you use the terms brother and sister. To in­ troduce a church member to a friend by saying “Meet Brother or Sister ......................... ” is im­ proper. Make sure the people whom you are introducing are Christians before you use the terms brother or sister. Away from the church, it is better to use a formal type introduction. W hat S hould I Do A fter B eing I ntroduced ? P roper R esponses You may say, very pleasantly, “ How do you do?” You may simp­ ly say nothing; just smile. Then

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From Christian Etiquette for Teen-agers; Baker Book House. Used w ith perm ission.



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