Blue Blue is the element of water
It is said that water always finds a way. Water is the foundational element for life. It is infinitely mutable, taking the form of vapor, liquid and solid. It can be divided into infinitely smaller parts and instantaneously coalesce back into a greater whole. Water is governed by the moon; the ocean breathes with the push and pull of the moon’s orbit. Water submits to its influential forces and in doing so reinforces the flow of energies. If we track the path of a river, we notice that life always follows water. The image of water invites us to surrender control. When we try to control people, environments, or outcomes to serve our own wishes or anxieties, we cultivate a state of inner conflict with the outer world. If we try to force the world to our will, we only exhaust ourselves with futile acts of aggression and ultimately stifle the natural flow of energies. Blue is also the image of wind. A bird that flies against the wind remains stuck in one place, but if the bird simply relaxes they benefit from being effortlessly carried on existing currents. In stillness, attend to the breath. Observe the constant steady motion of inhale and exhale. The breath brings our attention to the inner and outer landscapes. In this state, relax the mind and body into observing the flow of energies in your environment. Yield to the necessary flow of energies and you will find yourself buoyed by the conditions of your surroundings where divine love in the form of freedom becomes available.
Release: Control Attitude: Yielding Love as Freedom
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