Pink Pink is the image of a blossom
The beauty of the blossoms that emerge in spring lighten the heart after the difficulty of winter. The blossoms attract pollinators who gain nourishment from its sweet nectar and pollen. The gentle bliss of spring is a temporary pleasure that ripens into the fruit of summer. The image of the blossom invites us to release our possessive desires and addictive attractions. When desire moves us, it can be a profound motivational source for creative action. However, the spell of desire’s perfume can trap us in a state of obsessiveness, immaturity, and powerlessness. Our scope of enjoyment is narrowed to a singular source and we lose power to find pleasure in other things. What was once euphoric ferments into a poison of jealousy. In this compromised state, we are weakened and susceptible to humiliation. Imagine yourself among a grove of cherry blossoms. Surrender your heart to the beauty that surrounds you. Observe how long it takes for a petal to fall to the ground. Appreciate how joyous and uplifted those around you are, and allow the moment to exist as an ephemeral state of contentment. This way, we make ourselves available to the abundant wealth of divine love in the form of contentment and gratitude. Release: Possessive Desires Attitude: Appreciation Love as Contentment and Gratitude
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