2021 Resource Guide FL EOP Harrell's Customer

AMINO PRO V Internal Comparison Sheet

Amino ProV


GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Total Nitrogen (N) ........................................................5.00% 5.0% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen


Read entire label for additional precautionary statements and use directions. FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY

Derived From: Vegetable protein hydolysate



FIRST AID If on Skin: Wash with soap and water. Consult a physician if any irritation persists If in Eyes: Rinse with clean water for 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses after the first 5 minutes and continue to rinse. Seek medical attention if irritation persists. If Ingested: Rinse mouth. Do Not induce vomiting. Call 911 or a physician for treatment advice. Have the product label with you when calling a doctor or going for treatment.

Avoid getting in eyes or on skin. Use safety glasses with side shields (or goggles) and water repellent, chemical resistant gloves when handling this product. Do not contaminate water during application or when cleaning equipment.

• Do not eat, drink or smoke during use. IN CASE OF SPILL OR MEDICAL EMERGENCY, CONTACT CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300.


250 gallons (946 liters)

30 gallons (113.52 liters)

2.5 gallons (9.46 liters) Weight per gallon: 9.84 lbs. @ 68°F

Harrell’s, LLC Post Office Box 807 | Lakeland, FL 33802 | (800) 282-8007 | Harrells.com #880098-2.5 04/18


o A peptide is a chain of amino acids linked together. Peptides play an active role in plants by serving as internal communication signals and building blocks to larger molecules. In addition, peptides can be used to from larger protein structures or degraded into individual amino acids.

- What is Protein Hydrolysis? o The enzymatic or chemical breakdown of proteins into individual amino acids and peptides.

- How does Amino Pro V having 31% peptides give us an advantage over companies that claim“Free Amino Acids”? o Peptides help with nutrient chelation and uptake, internal signaling and stress responses, and serve as building blocks to larger molecules. If individual amino acids are needed, peptides can be broken down within a plant into individual amino acids. In contrast, individual, free amino acids mostly serve as building blocks for peptide chains. o More amino acids is not necessarily better.

- What is an Aminogram? o An aminogram is an analysis denoting the percentage of the individual 20 amino acids each in a product.

- Are amino acids foliar or root absorbed? o Both. Amino acids can be included in a foliar or soil spray. Amino acids are very mobile in plants and will move from source to sink, regardless of direction.

- Do we put any other inert ingredients in Amino Pro V to help with uptake? o No. Amino acids are efficiently taken into a plant so additives such as a surfactant are not needed.

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