2021 Resource Guide FL EOP Harrell's Sales Rep

The key to protecting your bermudagrass and zoysiagrass fairways from Poa annua is using a highly effective control regimen. Barricade ® herbicide plus Monument ® herbicide can provide outstanding efficacy when used as directed. • Barricade delivers excellent preemergent control with a long-lasting residual. • Monument offers outstanding versatility for post-emergent control of Poa annua that Princep ® Liquid herbicide may miss because of insensitive biotypes. • Use at the prescribed timing and rates below to control Poa annua this winter. Poa annua Assurance Program for Non-overseeded Fairways Here’s your Assurance: • Follow the prescribed solution below on a minimum of 20 acres of bermudagrass or zoysiagrass on your golf course per 18 holes (or 10 acres if on a nine-hole course) to qualify for the Assurance described herein. • If you achieve less than 90% Poa annua control on your treated acreage when used as directed, contact your Syngenta territory manager immediately for analysis. • Syngenta will provide the appropriate Syngenta product (Princep Liquid, Monument or Reward ® herbicides) required to control the remaining Poa annua . • Claims must be filed by April 17, 2022 with a Syngenta territory manager.


Apply Barricade at 1.0–1.5 lb. a.i./A + Princep Liquid at 1–2 qt./A + Monument at 10 g/A + NIS · Apply by Oct. 15 for western North Carolina, western South Carolina, Tennessee and eastern Virginia · Apply by Nov. 1 for Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, eastern North Carolina,

eastern South Carolina, northern Texas · Apply by Dec. 1 for southern Texas and northern Florida

Apply Barricade at 1 lb. + Monument at 10 g + NIS by Oct. 15. Apply Barricade at 0.5 lb. a.i./A by Feb. 1. Apply Barricade at 0.75 lb. a.i./A by Sept. 1 and Monument at 10 g A + NIS by Oct. 15. If only one application can be made, apply Barricade and Monument by Oct. 15. Apply Barricade at 1–1.5 lb. a.i./A by Sept. 15 and Monument at 10 g/A + NIS by Nov. 1. If only one application can be made, apply Barricade and Monument by Nov. 1. Apply Barricade at 0.5–0.65 lb. a.i./A by Sept. 15 and apply Monument at 10 g/A + NIS by Oct. 15. If only one application can be made, apply Barricade and Monument by Oct. 15.

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