mbraun benefits summary-Updated 8-19

IDShield Plan

• Continuous Credit Monitoring- Monitors informa- tion on your Experian credit report • Privacy Management- One-on-one consultation on online privacy dangers • Reputation Management- Scans social media ac- counts for any content you have posted in the past that could damage your online reputation • Financial Threshold Account Monitoring * - Looks out for activity tied to personal financial accounts • $3 Million Protection Policy- Coverage for lost wages, legal defense fees, stolen funds and more • Unlimited Service Guarantee- We’ll do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to restore your identity

• Full-Service Restoration- Provides one-on-one consultation to resolve identity related issues • Provides 24/7/365 live support for identity theft emergencies • Trend Micro Maximum Security defends against ransomware and other threats • VPN Proxy One- turns a public hotspot into a se- cure Wi-Fi via Virtual Private Network (VPN) with bank-grade data encryption to keep your informa - tion protected from hackers • Password Manager get multiple device protection and privacy for your digital life

Credit Counseling and Education Available exclusively to those with both a LegalShield and IDShield Membership, our Identity Theft Specialists will provide one-on-one education to help you understand your valuable credit rating and actions that are likely to have an impact on your credit score. Additionally, your provider law firm can offer legal consultation on the laws sur- rounding credit scores and lending, as well as draft letters on your behalf and review documents up to 15 pages. LegalShield + IDShield Dual Plan

Bi-Weekly Premium- Family $11.52 Legal Shield Plan $10.59 ID Shield Plan $20.72 Dual Plan

Bi-Weekly Premium- Individual $11.52 Legal Shield Plan $5.98 ID Shield Plan $17.49 Dual Plan

Individual Plan

Family Plan

LegalShield Plan

LegalShield Plan

IDShield Plan

IDShield Plan

Dual Plan

Dual Plan

* We do not monitor all transactions at all businesses and the monitoring network is limited only to institutions participating in the financial monitoring feature. Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. (“PPLSI”) provides access to legal services offered by a network of provider law firms to its members through membership-based participation. Neither PPLSI nor its officers, employees or sales associates directly or indirectly provide legal services, representation, or advice. See a legal plan overview for specific state of residence for complete terms, coverage, amounts and conditions. IDShield provides access to identity theft protection and restoration services and plans are available at individual or family rates. A family plan covers the named member, named member’s spouse or domestic partner and eligible dependent children under the age of 18. Consultation and Restoration Services or eligible dependent children under the age of 26. For complete terms, coverage, and conditions, please see an identity theft plan. All Licensed Private Investigators are licensed in the state of Oklahoma. An Identity Fraud Protection Plan (“Plan”) is issued through a nationally recognized carrier. PPLSI is not an insurance carrier. This covers certain identity fraud expenses and legal costs as a result of a covered identity fraud event, with the amount of coverage dependent on the type of identity theft plan. See a Plan for complete terms, coverage, conditions, limitations, and family members who are eligible under the Plan.

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