M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — New Jersey — March 2025 — 19A
N ew J ersey A panel presentation on “Tariffs and Taxes” will be presented
IOREBA announces speaker line-up for 30th Annual Developer’s Night set for March 31, 2025
EANECK, NJ — The Industrial and Office Real Estate Brokers Association of the New York Metropolitan Area (IOREBA) announced it will host its annual Developer’s Night on Monday, March 31st, from 5:00pm – 9:00pm at the Marriott at Glenpointe in Teaneck, NJ. This premier networking event brings to- gether top real estate devel- opers, brokers, and industry professionals for an evening of insight and connection. A T CIS partners with the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation to preserve NJ affordable housing ELIZABETH, NJ — Com- munity Investment Strate- gies, (CIS INC.) , announced a strategic partnership with the Geraldine R. Dodge Foun- dation to preserve critical af- fordable housing in Elizabeth. The freshman phase of this partnership will support the preservation and rehabili- tation of one of Elizabeth’s affordable housing commu- nities, Portside II which is home to 169 affordable units occupied by low-income fami- lies. The Portside II commu- nity completed in 2006, is an award-winning community that was part of the success- ful HOPE VI redevelopment in the Port area of Elizabeth. CIS INC., founded and owned by Christiana Fo- glio , is invested in the long- term vitality of local commu- nities. Foglio, president and CEO, is leading this initiative by leveraging innovative funding strategies, policy advocacy, and community en- gagement aimed at preserv- ing New Jersey affordable housing. This project builds upon her innovative and suc- cessful career in creating and transforming affordable com- munities into vibrant, flour - ishing neighborhoods where residents thrive. MAREJ Portside II
dinner and panel presentation. “IOREBA’s Developer Night is the highlight event of the year for the New Jersey commercial real estate industry and the panel topic “Tariffs and Taxes” is certainly relevant in the cur- rent environment” commented IOREBA President Kurt Ka- lafsky (Aztec Corporation). With roots dating back to 1927, IOREBA is one of the na- tion’s largest regional commer- cial real estate organizations of its kind and the oldest in- dustrial and office real estate brokers association in the United States. With a mem-
bership more than 250 profes- sionals, members connect and conduct business in New Jer- sey, New York, Pennsylvania and Connecticut. The organi- zation has continually evolved and expanded its offerings, designing useful educational programs and opportunities to develop strategic friendships within the industry. For more information or to register, visit www.IOREBA. com. Opportunities for table dis-play sponsorships that allow companies to exhibit their craft and offerings to at- tendees are available. MAREJ
panel presentation on “Tariffs and Taxes” from distinguished commercial real estate profes- sionals will be presented. The speaker line-up for the evening includes Alan Lam- biase , director of sales and leasing, River Terminal De- velopment ; Chris Venezia, Chris Venezia Alan Lambiase
Wesley Wilcox
Kurt Kalafsky
SLRP, ESA Environmental Consultants ; and Wesley Wilcox , partner, G.S. Wilcox & Co. and Joe Nitti , manag- ing partner, Commercial Real Estate Partners . The event begins with cocktails and networking from 5pm to 6:30pm, followed by a buffet
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