March 2025

M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — March 2025 — 23A

P ennsylvania

Gola Corporate Real Estate represents Gannett Fleming CBRE arranges 100K s/f lease at Sterling Place Corporate Ctr.


ECHANICSBURG, PA — CBRE an- nounced the com-

pletion of a new lease at Sterling Place Corpo- rate Center in Mechan- icsburg, PA, the premier class A of- fice park in

Jeremy Shyk

Cumberland County. Gannett Fleming TranSystems , a privately held architecture, engineering, and construc- tion consulting firm, inked a 100,000 s/f office lease at the complex located at 300 and 100 Sterling Parkway. One of the top engineering firms in North America, Gannett Fleming Transystems will consolidate and relocate its headquarters from the current campus in Camp Hill, PA. CBRE’s Jeremy Shyk spearheads the leasing cam- paign at Sterling Place Cor- porate Center and repre- sented the ownership, Ster- ling Place Associates and Waterday Properties , in the lease negotiations. Mark

Sterling Place Corporate Center

the flight to quality occupiers are demanding post-COVID.” Interestingly, Sterling Place Associates will acquire the for- mer Gannett Fleming Head- quarters Campus located at 202, 207 and 209 Senate Ave., which consists of 220,000 s/f across 14 acres in the heart of the Camp Hill Business District. Sterling Place As- sociates has engaged CBRE to market and sell 202 Senate Avenue as a rare opportunity for user/owners or developers/ investors. MAREJ

Gola of Gola Corporate Real Estate represented Gan- nett Fleming. “We are thrilled to be able to announce this major lease in the best class A trophy quality office complex in Mechanic- sburg,” said Shyk. “Gannett Fleming Transystems will relocate from three older of- fice properties it owns in Camp Hill to newly built office space with incredible amenities that meet all of the firm’s real es - tate requirements. This deal is another prime example of


Geotechnical Design & Analy

nvironmental Site Assessments and Corporate Headquarters: 610-277-0880 Lehigh Valley: 610-967-4540 Central PA: 717-697-5701 South Jersey: 856-768-1001

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