FMN | July 8th, 2019

ICPF Donates To Expand UT-A Corrugated Program

Six years ago, the International Corrugated Packag- ing Foundation installed a DT 3000 CAD sample table (donated to ICPF by Vanguard Packaging) and Artios software (donated by Esko) to initiate a partnership and packaging design program for the University of Texas Arlington graphic design students within the university’s Art &Art History Department. That same year, Jana Harris (Harris Packaging) whose firm is an ICPF corporate partner, was recruited by ICPF to serve as ICPF’s representative to University of TexasArlington’s (UT-A) new corrugated packaging ad- visory board. Like the ICPF representatives who have been appointed to the advisory boards established at its other 25 partner universities, Harris has donated extensive time to provide input on UT-A’s corrugated packaging program, to mentor corrugated packaging faculty and students, to hire student interns and new graduates, and to promote the hiring of student interns by other ICPF corporate partners with operations in the region. Most recently, Harris Packaging donated an addition- al 2002 Kongsberg CAD table to the UT-A program.


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This past year, UT-A also applied to ICPF’s university packaging award program to enhance its corrugated program. UT-A will be provided up to $124,350 in do- nations of equipment and funding over three years to expand its corrugated packaging curriculum to eight separate courses, to create a new a minor in corrugat- ed packaging design, to hire two adjunct professors from the industry, and to pace a large scale flatbed printer, as well as 20 computers, desks and chairs to upgrade UT-A’s packaging design lab. The assistance provided to University of Texas Ar- ICPF & University of Texas Arlington students and faculty were on hand for the dedication of the ICPF donations of the DT 3000 table and Artios design soft- ware that jumpstarted the university’s corrugated packaging design program.

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