8TSFS-Single Swing Frame-USA



7. Assemble the Polo Brackets. Pass the Short Bolt through the square hole in the Moon Bracket, then load with: a Tophat Bush; the Link; the 2nd Tophat. Finish with the DomeNut.


Tighten - Hard. A loose Bolt’s shoulders will click in its square hole.

Add the Clip

8 Fit the Polo Brackets. Single x2, Double x4, Treble x6





8. Tip. Rest the crossbar at a com- fortable working height 8.c Tip. While you can use the Allen key to take up the slack now (in comfort), do not “tighten” the nuts yet: we position these brackets later.

8.b Join the Superglide to Moulding 2

8.a Fit the Plate into Moulding 1 Then Drop the 2 long bolts though And place on the Crossbar.

8.c Feed the Bolts through and twist on 2 nuts to hold everything together.

9a. Your frame is going to sink, your lawn is spongy, before we put the stakes in we want to get through to the tougher soil below.

9. Now stand the Frame upright and put it in a Safe Play Area (see “Safe Positioning” on next page)


Then lift each Leg in turn to let the Frame find its natural shape.

Pull down on the Sidestays. (Or dig out a turf square, boss)




10. Stake it down x4 Insert the stake into the outer slot and push it out through the inner slot. Then Hammer! it fully into the ground as far as it will go.

11. Position the Polo Brackets

12. Tighten the Polo Brackets.

Swing ropes should Rise Apart, so that the Brackets are 10cm wider than the swing. There should also be a 30cm gap between swings. (Single rope swings need 45cm)

The Polo Brackets should not move during use.

13. Check all Nuts are tight

Made in England by Brave Toys

Brave Toys 6 Severnside Business Park, Severn Road, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire DY13 9HT T: 01299 873528 swings@bravetoys.com


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