BIFAlink September 2021


Policy & Compliance

HMRC confirms CHIEF system withdrawal date You will no doubt have seen the news that HMRC has confirmed the withdrawal dates for import and export declarations in CHIEF. In preparation for the transfer of all import and export customs declarations to CDS, BIFAlink publishes below a letter to traders from HMRC. Further information will be published as it becomes available.

HMRC will be closing its Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system on 31 March 2023. It will be replaced by the Customs Declaration Service (CDS). CDS will serve as the UK’s single customs platform for all declarations, and all goods will need to be declared through CDS from this date. Ahead of the closure, HMRC will withdraw services in two stages: • 30 September 2022: the ability to make import declarations on CHIEF will end. • 31 March 2023: the ability to make export declarations on CHIEF and the National Export System (NES) will end.

Further information on the exact arrangements for withdrawing CHIEF services will be provided in due course.

Why is HMRC doing this? HMRC requires border IT systems to be fit for the future and to support our ambitious plans for global trade. This will help to create an environment where businesses can thrive and prosper and take advantage of free trade agreements. CHIEF has served the UK well, but it is nearly 30 years old and it does not match the functionality now offered by CDS. CDS has been developed over a number of years in

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September 2021

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