September 2024

What does your front porch say about you?

CASSY MEISENHEIMER Dog owner and procrastinator. My dog loves to dig in the front flower beds and leave a ball laying around. We need

TERRI SANDEFUR On permanent vacation.

ALANA MOREL Desert oasis. Welcome to my front porch, where plants come to test their resilience! My green thumb is more like a dry thumb.

KARA HUMPHREY I hope it says, “Come in, make yourself at home, take your shoes off and stay a while!” But you may want to bring a jacket. My husband keeps our house way too cold.

to update our front door and repaint.

MATT CORNELIUS Decorated with Amazon boxes.

LEAH ORR My front door says I have too many delivery apps! You can find anything from groceries to science

BRITT EARNEST Don’t judge a book by its cover.

BRITTANY ROBLES The DIY spirit is alive and well here. Come back next week to see the same unfinished porch with even more tools.

We just finished a year of interior renovations. Bless the whole outside’s heart—you’re phase two. I promise!

fair project supplies on my front porch.

BAILEY GRAVITT Now, wait one second because I don’t have a front porch.

TIFFANY HORTON I’m afraid my front porch probably says, “I did not inherit my mom’s green thumb.”

TAMMY LUMMUS It says the woman who lives here is very hodge-podge. There’s a fern, lanterns, ceramic rabbits, and a summer wreath. Nothing goes together, but it makes me happy!



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