King's Business - 1960-01

by Edwin Raymond Anderson

over this, because it has become a joke with most people. After careful study, he has come up with a 7-step program for success in the endeavor, as follows:— 1. Do not try to put the resolutions into effect all at once on the very first day. It would be better to arrange a l “ preparation period.” 2. It would be better to start by drawing up a list of the things you like to do; the enterprise will become easier in that manner. 3. Do not draw up a long list of some 10-30 resolutions; you will be defeated before you begin. Pick up only 1 or 2 resolutions at the commencement. 4. Do not seek to locate the most troublesome problem— not at the beginning. It will be better to pick out the relatively minor sore-spots. 5. Make your intended resolutions as specific as possible. Do not be too vague, too general; do not try to cover too much territory. 6. When you have decided upon the resolutions, prepare to put them into definite effect. Tell your husband, your wife, what you plan. Think often of those resolu­ tions. Get them deeply planted in your mind; in that way you will steel yourself for the job of actually keep­ ing them. 7. The job, itself, will officially begin on “R-day,” the actual date when you feel ready to start. Then work real hard at it! And if “ 7” be the number of perfection, then it is all

but bitter irony, for most people sense a “ catch” in the program. It reads well, it means well, but where will the actual power come from to gain victory? Are you not conscious of a deep division between the desire and the actual doing? You will get small comfort from the Bible, for it is silent on this matter of resolutions. But it cries aloud for the desperate need of a genuine spiritual REVOLUTION in the heart: “ Ye MUST be born again,” “ We MUST be saved.” There is no power in yourself as you are—for the Bible declares that you are “dead in trespasses and sins,” “ without strength.” What, therefore, will give the power, grant the enabling for real living on a higher level? Not a 7-step program of human outreach, but a simple, single step of repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a long proven reality: “ If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.” He who said, “Behold, I make all things n ew ” will thus possess the life in such a gracious and glorious way that you will be able to say, “For to me to live is Chrisf’; and “ the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” When you are His, this may well be your “ resolution” for the days ahead: “ This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Avoilable in the tract form from the American Tract Societv 513 West 166th Street, New York 32, N.Y.


B illy Graham I have been a regular reader of KING'S BUSINESS almost as long as

John F. W a lvoo rd President Dallas Theological Seminary We congratulate the KING'S BUSINESS on completing fifty years

It gives me great pleasure and joy to be able to participate in the

I can remem­ ber. I know of few magazines which a re so completely sat­ urated with in­ spiration a n d which are more Christ-centered. I have always

Golden Jubilee of the KING'S BUSINESS and t o contribute this expression of appreciation on the Fiftieth Anniversary. For many years I have been read­

of notable serv­ ice in the field of C h r i s t i a n j ournal i sm. Y o u r faithful­ ness to t h e Word of God, your accuracy i n theological statement, your

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admired your typography and for­ mat. One gets the impression that the editors not only are intent in presenting a well-rounded Christian message but that they also are de­ sirous of presenting it in an artistic fashion. Neither the material nor the art work is "thrown together." The KING'S BUSINESS is a credit to the cause of evangelical litera­ ture. May God continue to bless you and may KING'S BUSINESS always be with us.

ing the KING'S BUSINESS and fol­ lowed its policy and program with great satisfaction. During t h e s e years I have seen many other erst­ whilefundamental magazines fall by the wayside or giving way to compromise and soft-peddling some of the basic doctrines of our faith. Accept my sincerest congratula­ tions and assurance of our continued prayers. JANUARY, 1960

altertness to the spiritual issues of the day, and your contribution to the proclamation of Biblical truth has set apart the KING'S BUSINESS as a most unusual and effective publication. May the Lord bless you and may the good work be continued as you begin the second half of the century. (More Jubilee Comments on page 60)

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