King's Business - 1960-01

KING'S BUSINESS JUBILEE DIARY (continued) at that time): “ Plans for increasing the efficiency of this station are under way. . . . From all directions letters are received from friends who listen to the programs of KTBI and enjoy them.”

. . . This is one of the fruitful sources of young women students for the school.” SEPTEMBER, 1938 From an article “Breaking the Log Jam ” by H. S. Risley, relating the story of the release of BIOLA from threatened foreclosure for indebted­ ness: “ Dr. Louis T. Talbot’s vigorous ra­ dio campaign was instrumental in raising more than $30,000 . . . BIOLA IS TO CONTINUE!” “ Fifty Cents a Year, Five Cents a Copy—These are the New Subscrip­ tion Prices for The King’s Business. . . . It is the same as ever in general content, and in the emphatic tone of its gospel message. The only ap­ preciable change is to a less expen­ sive type of paper (to newsprint) . . .” From an article by Charles A. Rob­ erts, Supt. of Hunan Bible Institute, Hunan, China. “ Today Changsha was again bomb­ ed. . . . Burning timbers, collapsed houses, and not a few men and wom­ en and children are among the debris. Christianity a n d anti-Christianity have now met in open conflict.” JULY, 1940 Note regarding the Lyman Stewart Centenary — 1840-1940—Founder and First President of BIOLA. Tribute by T. C. Horton: “ If he needed a visible monument, it is here in our midst in the splendid buildings of the Bible Institute—-but his immortal monument has been erected in the hearts and lives of men and women . . . every country on the globe has felt the touch of his great, pulsing heart.” AUGUST, 1939 From an advertisement:

youth, started marching, but where are they going? W ill national boun­ daries hold them? The Red movement in Russia is largely youthful. . . . I have just come from Germany, where youth is brown-shirted and on the march. . . . There are young business men greeting each other on the street. They are not in uniform, but when they meet, the arm is raised straight out from the shoulder — the Nazi salute— young men organized and re­ gimented and going somewhere. . . . There is a new door open in America today to reach the youth of this gen­ eration with the truth, ‘Accept Christ as your Saviour,’ and which goes on to say ‘Invest your life with Christ.’ ” DECEMBER, 1935 “W. E. Blackstone went to be with the Lord on November 7. His book, ‘Jesus is Coming,’ has been translated into thirty-nine different languages, and about a million copies printed and circulated. . . . Multiplied thou­ sands thank God for Dr. Blackstone’s life and ministry. . . . It may not be very long until we shall hear the shout, the voice and the trump. . . . What a glorious prospect!” OCTOBER, 1936 “ BIOLA has definite doctrinal stan­ dards. Our statement of faith is sign­ ed publicly by all members of the Board and Trustees and all members of the Faculty on the opening day of school. No one can serve on the Board or Faculty who does not hold, teach, and preach these historic doctrines of the Christian church.” MARCH, 1937 “ . . . . In March the Bible Women of the Institute held 458 classes and meetings, with a total attendance of 9,945, with 100 conversions; 19 back­ sliders returned to Christ; and 38 lives were surrendered to the Lord.

Dr. Paul Rood with Bible women JANUARY, 1932

News Item: “We welcome to our fellowship the newly elected pastor of the Church of the Open Door, Rev. L. T. Talbot . . . Mr. Talbot . . . comes here as a sin­ cere friend of BIOLA, and he has al­ ready publically indicated his desire to create a closer working fellowship between the congregation and the In­ stitute and we earnestly thank God f©r his coming. On January 10, he was greeted by three great audi­ ences.” AUGUST, 1933 “You will hear much more of this man for he trusts God, undertakes boldly, and accomplishes his objec­ tives. . . . Rev. Louis T. Talbot, pastor of the Church of the Open Door and acting president of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. . . . He has been the leader in what has proved to be prob­ ably the most remarkable adventure pf faith and prayer conducted in re­ cent years by any of the Christian churches of America. We refer to the successful effort just completed by the Church of the Open Door for the raising of funds to purchase its Church home, the auditorium build­ ing of the Bible Institute block at Sixth and Hope Streets, Los Angeles.” JULY-AUGUST, 1934 Quotation from a letter to the editor from Dr. Will Houghton, then pastor of Calvary Baptist Church of New York, later president of Moody Bible Institute: “What is ahead for the young people of America: War or peace in Europe? Communism? Fascism? I am writing from Vienna, the capital of Austria, which has been called by many writers the tinder box of Europe.’ . . . Here are mobilized 16

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Dr. Louis T. Talbot (center) becomes President of Biola

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