King's Business - 1960-01

months in concentration camps he was finally delivered in answer to prayer. This is an example of what is happening to missionaries every­ where.” FEBRUARY, 1944 “Hallelujah! There is no longer any debt on the two dormitory buildings of the beloved Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Above these two beautiful thirteen-story structures, the illumi­ nated testimony, JESUS SAVES, now has even greater significance than be­ fore.” OCTOBER, 1945 From an article by Carol Terry, graduate of BIOLA, entitled: “ From Death to Life,” her account of her rescue from Los Banos prison in the Philippines after three years’ impri­ sonment: “ On thé morning of February 23, the gong sounded at dawn for us to line up on the road inside the camp.


forced to leave; the campus itself be­ came a battleground. . . . About six months before the war closed, Dr. Charles Roberts returned to begin the work of reconstruction and rehabilita­ tion. . . . Latest reports indicate that some classes have been resumed.”

News Item: “Communism and Nazism are equal evils. . . . There is a fundamental flaw in the whole reasoning process where­ by men and nations seek to choose ‘the lesser of two evils.’ The Word of God makes no such distinction. . . . Sin is always infinite because it afronts an infinite God.” MARCH, 1942 On Dec. 7, 1941 the Japanese sank our fleet in Pearl Harbor. Immediate­ ly we were at war with Japan, and “ within the hour” England, our ally, had also declared war upon Japan. “Virtually the whole world is at war. Because of hostilities between nations, doors to many mission fields have been barred. . . . Missionaries have been ejected . . . passports have been denied. . . . Viewed from some angles, the cause of world-wide mis­ sions is at a standstill. The question now is: ‘Shall the Christian forget about missions until the war is won?’ To take this position would be to act in direct disobedience to the Lord. . . . Now is the time for missionary in­ terest to be accelerated.” NOVEMBER, 1943 Introduction to an article by Mis­ sionary Bruce F. Hunt, of the Ortho­ dox Presbyterian Church: entitled: “ Thanks to God in a Japanese Pri­ son. “Mr. Hunt was imprisoned in Man-


News Item: “ On September 8, Dr. L. T. Tal-

Mr. Myers, architect William Ulrich, and Dr. Sutherland look over new campus. bot and Mr. J. Russell Allder boarded a giant Clipper to attend the first postwar conference of the C h i n a branch of B I O L A at Changsha, Hunan.” JANUARY, 1948 “ Surely 1947 left much to be desir­ ed. Internationally speaking, we have had a twelve months’ demonstration of the most selfish kind of non-co- operation among nations, with the so- called best diplomats of the world sit­ ting together in council for the ex­ press purpose of maintaining the peace and increasing friendly relations be­ tween the nations of the world. But we have yet to observe one construc­ tive accomplishment.” MARCH, 1949 News Items from Hunan Bible In­ stitute. “ Generalissimo Chang Kai-shek has stepped down. . . . The chairman of the Communist party, Mao Tse-tung, is a Hunanese and went to school at Changsha. . . . The Hunan Bible In­ stitute at Changsha with its spacious compound and buildings, will cer­ tainly be desired (by the Commu­ nists) should a conflict eventually develop. . . . Three Biola Evangelistic Bands continue their work. . . . We have a student body of about 165 . . . and 155 in our orphanage.” DECEMBER, 1950 “ The fifth anniversary of the Unit­ ed Nations has just been observed. On (Continued on page 68)

Dr. Charles A. Roberts, Hong Kong Sup't. We started out of the barracks when lo, the heavens opened before us, and 150 parachute troops dropped in front of us. Filipino guerrillas appeared from every direction; bullets whizzed all around us; infantry appeared from behind trees; tanks crashed through the fence. The American soldiers shouted to us: ‘Be ready to leave in five minutes. Get into tanks!’ We had no time to pack; we just fled. The paper-thin b a r r a c k s were afire. Through walls of flame and whistling bullets, our tanks took 2,121 people to freedom. Some of the people of the camp had met the previous afternoon for prayer unto God for deliverance, and as our tanks went over hill and down dale, we joined in singing the Doxology.” MARCH, 1946 World War II finally concluded Aug. 8, 1945. From an article “ W e Rebuild in China” information re­ garding BIOLA-in-China is given: “ The war brought a swift end to operations in China. Students were

Dr. William Orr and Dr. Talbot on the air churia for opposition to shrine wor­ ship and government control of the church. He was held in the Harbin jail four days, later handcuffed and taken to the Korean border and placed in solitary confiinement in a large penitentiary. Tried before a higher court of Manchuria and found guilty, he was nevertheless ordered deported as an undesirable alien. . . . On Dec. 8 war broke out between Japan and U.S.A. and he was reimprisoned. . . . After 105 days in prison and six



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