King's Business - 1960-01

readers to contribute outlines for sermons, Bible readings, etc., for use in this column. JOHN THREE SIXTEEN I. Passion of God.

A. Source of Love, “ God.” B. Intensity of Love, “ So.” C. Fact of Love, “ Loved.” D. Object of Love, “World.”

II. Provision of God.

A. Person of the Gift, “His Son.” B. Perfection of the Gift, “ No fault in Him.” C. Purpose of the Gift, “World.”

“We are backing Moody students ... with our prayers and annuity dollars

III. Prerequisite for Salvation. A. No Option, “ Believe.” B. No Salvation, “ Perish.”

C. No Partiality, “Whosoever.”

IV. Penalty for Refusal.

A. Wrath of God, John 3:36. B. Eternal Separation. C. Perish, John 3:16.

V. Prize through Faith. A. Life. 1. Spiritual. 2. God Given. B. Enjoyment.

. . . and like other annuitants, we’re overjoyed with the double dividends!” These young people, just as thousands of Moody Bible Institute graduates before them, are preparing for lives of Christian service . . . as missionaries, pastors, teachers and other church workers. They’re preparing to bring the message of salvation to the unsaved at home—and to the multitudes in foreign lands who have never heard the good news! Tuition-free training is made possible for these students by faithful stewards who are placing money and securities in Moody Annuities. This plan has been in effect for more than half a century—and not once in all these years has the Institute ever missed or been late with a single check. By placing y o u r money in Moody Annuities n o w , you will be assured of a regular, guaranteed income as long as you live (up to return, depending on your age). And in addition to the generous income, you, too, will experience the joy and peace of mind that come from having a very real part in spreading the gospel through Moody’s world-wide ministries. . . . and may we also suggest for your consideration the Moody Deposit Agreement Plan currentlypaying 3 V 2 % INTEREST p e r y ea r In this plan, you are guaranteed the current rate of 3*4% per annum —with the privilege of withdrawal in case of emergency. Deposits, in multiples of $100, may be made at any time. Check coupon for further information. MAIL COUPON TODAY FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Write: Annuity Department Dept. K.-0-42-1 I M O O D Y B IB L E IN S T IT U T E 820 N. LaSalle Street * Chicago 10, Illinois Please send me, without obligation, complete information relating to: □ Moody Annuity Plan. □ Moody Deposit Agreements. Q Wills. ■ Name ________________________________________________________ ______________ —Age ________________ I

1. The God provided way. 2. Illustration: Joseph threw chaff on the waters of the Nile to show the fulness of provision with him to those farther down the river; cf. the river of God’s grace. —Charles L. Feinberg. THE NEW THINGS OF GRACE 1. A New Nature, II Peter 1:3. 2. A New Name, Revelation 3:12. 3. A New Inheritance, Romans 8:17. 4. A New Relationship, Romans 8:15,16. 5. A New Hope, I Peter 1:3. FOUR ANCHORS Acts 27:29 Introduction; The Storms of Life. I. The Anchor of Faith in God. A. God’s word keeps us ahead of the times. B. Christ’s word stilled the storm on the sea. (117 times salvation is said to de­ pend on faith and faith alone) II. The Anchor of the Knowledge of God. A. Revelation in Nature. B. Revelation in the Word. III. The Anchor of the Knowledge of the Word. A. Revelation in the Word. B. Revelation in the Son, Heb. 1:1,2; Col. 2:9. IV. The Anchor of Service for the Lord. A. Activity. 1. Moody, “ I want faith that has legs that can run around.” 2. Sam the Deserter, “Too much saluting and not enough shooting.” B. Service. 1. Activity for God removes doubts. 2. Activity for God keeps one true to His Word. —Kenneth B. Daniels.

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