King's Business - 1960-01

Aunt Betty

B IB LIC A L R EV ELA TIO N AND IN SPIRATION By Dr. Harold S. Bender The author has mterpreted Inspiration and Revelation in new terms that have not become pitfalls. Dr. Bender is Dean and Professor of Church History in Goshen College Biblical Semi­ nary. Order today!! Only 35c HERALD PRESS Dept. KB, Scottdale, Pa. BIBLE WORKBOOK By Catherm e B. W alker, M .A., D.R.E. W idely used in high school Bible classes. Suitable as adult Bible study guide. Questions, notes, m aps, and outlines. Vol. 1— Old Testam ent Vol. 2— New Testam ent B IBLE W ORKBOO K DISTRIBUTO RS $1.00 each 420 E. M adison, W heaton, Illinois After You are Gone ...your influence for Christ can live on through the years of time and out to the ends of the earth ...if you include world missions in your will! But millions of dollars are lostto the cause of missions each year because of im­ properly prepared wills. Don’t let this happen to your will! If you want your Christian influ­ ence to live on after you are gone, now is the time to check your will. Or, if you have no will, to make it! To help you do this intelligently, World Vision has prepared an illus­ trated 16-page brochure, “Where There’s a Wil l. . . ” Free upon re­ quest, it will help you be sure that your last wishes will be fulfilled! It gives specific examples o f missionary projects f ¡¡HD' ~ v 5>) through which your in-

KTAC "The Center of the Dial” 850 kc Tacoma, Wash. Salutes THE KING'S BUSINESS Magazine

Talks with Teenagers

RULES: You must be 13-19; you must give nam e, cddress and ages, but only first name and city will be used. Letters will be regarded as confidential. Send to this column in care of The King's Business. ON GOING STEADY Dear Aunt Betty: 1 am in love with a very nice Christian girl who is 14, and a Fresh­ man in High School. I am 17 and a Senior. I have taken her to church a couple of times. I would like to go steady with her but 1 don’ t dare men­ tion it for I am afraid that she wouldn’t go out with me again. She said she would never go steady with any boy. W e have never gone to the show on a date; we have never gone dancing; and we have never necked or petted in a parked car. I was saved a year ago. I hope that you can help me with my problem. Name W ithheld Location W ithheld My Dear Young Christian Friend: You did not state exactly what your problem was, but I suppose you meant that it was that your friend does not wish to “ go steady” with you. She is absolutely right. In the first place, she is far too young to “ go steady” with anyone. I think she is a very sensible girl; no wonder you admire her. Do not go steady with anyone until you are old enough to think about becoming engaged, mar­ ried, and committed to the support of a family. Have many girl friends, and in that way you will be able to make a wiser choice when the time comes to think of a lifemate. A four- teen-year-old girl is too young for going steady and for love-making. If you press this matter, you will lose her friendship entirely. Just remain good friends and go to church affairs together occasionally. If the Lord means you for each other in the far distant future, He will work it out. Meantime you must prepare yourself for life. I suppose the next thing on your calendar is military service. That will give you a good opportunity to be a faithful and courageous wit­ ness for the Lord. After that I suppose it will be college, and I hope you are planning to go to a Christian college. I am so glad you are a Christian. You never need to “walk in darkness” about any phase of your life for the Lord will lead you as you seek His will every step of the way.

monthly publication of the BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC.


K S C O 1080 Kc


fluence for Christ can live on even after you are gone.


W ills &T rusts D ep t . KB10 Gentlemen: Send me your. FREE 16-page brochure, "Where There’s a Will . . . ” to help me include m ission s in my w ill.

B I O L A and K I N G ’ S BUSINESS 50th Anniversary

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I u nd erstand that there is no obligation.


WORLD VISION Box O, Pasadena, Calif.

JA N U A R Y , 1960


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