King's Business - 1960-01


THE LOST SHEEP (cont.) wanted to do I’d have crawled into that nest in the side of that haystack, snuggled along side of Annie and her dog, and spent the night. But know­ ing how her mother, with out a doubt, was walking the floor, watching and praying for the return of her Annie, I just couldn’t do it. I knew that I had to start back for the ranch, through the blackness and misery of the storm. I took off my slicker and put it around Annie. After bundling her in it, I put her on my back, and with the Collie leading the way, we started out for home. A dog, like a horse, is able to find the way home even on the darkest and stormiest nights. So I was very thankful that Annie had her Collie along with her. There were times during that night when I didn’t think that we’d make it. I got so tired and leg weary. In spite of having Annie on my back and walking. I was chilled. The wet snow fell against my eyes, melted, and the icy water soaked right through to my skin. My boots were soaked, and my feet were cold. Annie insisted on trying to walk part of the time. However, it wasn’t long after she tried to trudge through the snow and against the wind, that she was ready to ride piggy back again. Believe me, I was never more tired in my life than when we finally got to the ranch. Even after we got a glimpse of the light coming at us through the ranch house window, I thought we’d never make it. Good old, faithful Paul, the Collie, barked more and more as we neared the house, and his barks were heard inside. The door opened wide, and Annie’s mother stood there peering into the darkness, hollering, “ Is that you, Mr. Texas, is that you? And is Annie with you? Do you have Annie?” “Yes,” I yell­ ed back, “ yes, it’s I, and I have Annie with me, and she’s all right.” Out of the house the mother came running and, as she got to my side, I let Annie slide into her mother’s arms. She hugged her, slicker and all, and into the house she went. I was right behind her, eager to get into the warm house and out of the storm. Once inside the house I just col­ lapsed into a chair. I didn’t care if I ever moved again, I was so utterly exhausted. But tired as I was it made me feel real good as I watched the happy reunion of Annie and her mother. I saw with my own eyes the meaning of that part of the Parable of the Lost Sheep, where it said, “ There was more rejoicing over the one sheep that had been lost and was found, than over the ninety and nine that had not been lost.”

E v e r y Mon t h of t he Y e a r by sponsoring a homeless Korean orphan

While thousands of orphans are homeless, cold, starving and dying, these happy, well- clothed, well-fed orphans enjoy Christian love and tender care in our Christ honoring, Bible believing orphanages in war ravaged Korea. Once they were ragged, dirty beggars on the streets. Now each child has an American

Ladies Society, Jr. Church, etc., who It costs only $8 a month — just 26 everything for a child. Think of the

“Mommie and Daddy’ , an individual, S.S. Class, are THRILLED to sponsor their “ own orphan” , pennies a day to provide food, clothing, schooling, joy YOU will have every month! This boy on the right, like thousands of others, must beg and steal for an existence — sleeping out of doors on the coldest nights —• unless someone cares! He needs Christ, too! ESEA supports well over 2500 orphans in our 35 Homes. W e are prepared to take in and care for 500 more IF we get the new sponsors. YOU can save a life and a soul. Write or phone us NOW. What a great BLESSING it will be to YOU and to a homeless lost child!

Typical ragged homeless orphan boy

THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, INC. 4848 North Leonard Drive Chicago 31, Illinois

CLIP AND MAIL TODAY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i

□ y e s , I w ant to "adopt" a □ boy □ girl for one year. W ith God's help I will send j $8 a month. Please let me have my child's nam e, picture, address and story. I under- | stand I m ay continue after one year if I wish to. |~1 I cannot ''adopt" a child, but want to help by giving $.............................................. a □ Please send me further information.

Nam e ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... I

Address ....................................................................................-............................................................................................................ I City .................................................................................. Zone ..................... State ................................................................. Gifts of any amount are welcome. Sponsorings are income tax deductible R THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, INC. A Non-Profit Corporation i Dept. 1-K 4848 North Leonard Drive Chicago 31, Illinois j Telephone: GLadstone 6-6181



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