King's Business - 1960-01

---------- S B a h t ----------- F A C T S T O R E M E M B E R

Spain is a Twentieth Century country with First Century persecution . . . Officially, Spain is the most Roman Catholic country in the world . . . 30,000,000 people, needing Christ’s Gospel, live in Spain . . . Only 10,000 are born-again believers . . .

The SPANISH CHRISTIAN MISSION, Inc., so dear to the heart of God, was organiz­ ed, in 1943 to bring the fulness of the blessings of the Gospel of Christ to every soul in Spain . . . Since that time, seventy full or part-time missionaries have been supported . . . More than fifty churches and Mission stations have been built or established . . . Over 1,600,000 copies of Bibles, New Testaments, and Evangelical literature have been printed and distributed . . . And, the Radio Program, ESTRELLA MATUTINA (Morning Star), which broadcasts the Gospel to Spain, was inaugurated . . .

ZACARIAS P. CARLES “ The Man From Spain”

Dr. Zacarías P. Carles, F.R.G.S., the man from Spain, whose heart was bur­ dened for the evangelization of the land of his birth, and whom God chose to organize the SPANISH CHRISTIAN MISSION, Inc., has just returned from Spain and Morocco, where he was ministering to his people. He saw that the need was even greater than we had anticipated. We are not sufficient for the glorious and gigantic task which lies ahead, of conquering lost souls for Christ. Rut God, who has called us, is faithful. Dr. Carles invites you to be an inter­ cessor, a prayer-partner, in this great endeavour of:

Supporting native missionaries . Establishing New Testament churches there . . .

Broadcasting the Gospel to Spain through the ESTRELLA MATU­ TINA radio program . . . Printing and distributing Bibles, New Testaments, and Evan­ gelical literature . . .

M ILL ION S OF SP IR ITU A L L Y H U N GR Y SPAN IARD S ARE W A IT IN G ! May we count on you for the prayerful support and financial assistance which is so urgently needed just now? Write for a free subscription of one year of SPAINGRAMS, with the story of Dr. Carles’ visit to Spain. Please send your letters and gifts to any one of the following offices of the: S P A N I S H C H R I S T I A N M I S S I O N , I n c . , W e s te rn O ffice, P.O. Box 445, RIVERSIDE, California Eastern O ffice 9 P.O. Box 80T, Crestón Station, GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan (Canadian O ffice, 21 Avenue Road, Suite No. 22, TORONTO 5, Canada



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