King's Business - 1960-01

■ It’s startling but true— there are more pagans in France than in the Bel­ gian Congo; there are more pagans in Germany than in Ghana, Nigeria and Liberia combined.


■ Now the PTL has been called of God to begin a large scale evangelization and Scripture distribution campaign in France, Germany and Holland. Millions of Gospels of John, many thou­ sands of New Testaments, will be needed for this effort. Multi­ tudes in Europe have never held a Bible in their hands. Yet these are countries from which our own heritage springs. It is our turn now to help them. ■ Meanwhile the work in Africa must go on. Pray and give that the witness may go forward simultaneously in Europe and Africa. Alfred A. Kunz, International D irecto r THE POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE, INC. 49 H O N E C K S T R E E T . E N G L EWOO D . N.J.

M r s . K e ith L . B ro ok s Congratulations on reaching your Golden Jubilee year of putting out a magazine that has remained true to the Word, and has been a spiritual blessing to countless thou­ sands. Next to acquiring s i n c e r e friends, the best acquisition is that of reading matter of the helpful and dependable kind. Your magazine, the KING'S BUSINESS has been like a mirror, reflecting to the minds of its readers the best thoughts from God's Word. May it always remain a guide to men through the reefs of religious error and confusion in these testing days. P h il K e r r Since the early days of my boy­ hood when my father was associated phrase, today it is "better than ever." The wealth of spiritual food, the concise reporting of current happenings in the Christian realm, the easy-to-read format . . . all of these make KING'S BUSINESS a must for every well-informed Chris­ tian. Sincerely I pray that the com­ ing years may see an even greater growth in the ministry and effec­ tiveness of your magazine. D r . W i l liam W . O rr The heart and soul of the Chris­ tian life is the King's business. God has not placed us here to serve our­ selves or trifle with time, but to fill the hours and moments in do­ ing His will . . . the King's busi­ ness. Never in the world's history are there so many who can read. More than 50,000,000 become literate every year. There is overwhelming need for the printed page. Thank God for the ministry of the KING'S BUSINESS magazine. Over half a century nothing greater can be said than that it, too, has done the King's business. Congratulations as you begin on the second Jubilee of service for the King. in Gospel work with J. H. Sam- mis (first editor o f K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S ) I have watched with keen inter­ est the steady growth of your fine magazine, sometimes-trite

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