King's Business - 1960-01

EINAR WAERMO Swedish Tenor 12" L.P. Recordings 33^ R.P.M. "Jesus our Helmsman"


j u b i l e e ? 3 0

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M e r v IIo se ll The KING'S BUSINESS has al­ ways been EXACTLY THAT! And

those of us who are In His busi- n e s s v a l u e through t h e years the per­ tinent pages of this true-to-the Gospel periodi­ cal. Every article

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WRITERS WANTED And you can meet the requirements. If you desire to serve the Lord, like to write, enjoy studying at home in your spare time, you can become a trained Christian writer. Write to­ day for FREE sample lesson and in­ formation on courses for both be­ ginning and advanced writers. CHRISTIAN WRITERS INSTITUTE Dept. KB10 33 So. Wacker Dr., Chicago 6, Illinois GET THIS EPOCHAL NEW BOOK! Why We Believe In C R E A T I O N Evolution 340 pages, averaging 5 facts per page, all supported by quotations of recognized au­ thorities. Covers the vast scope of human knowledge from sub-atoms to super galaxies. Nothing like it in print. "Why We Believe in CREATION not in EVOLUTION" is absolutely devasting in re­ futing the evolutionary hypothesis. Highest endorsements. Handsomely bound. $3.75. Order today from your bookstore or CHRISTIAN VICTORY PUB. CO. Denver 11, Colorado


seems so practical, and the fresh approach to each decade and gener­ ation is useable In any Christian's dally life. Congratulations to the editorial staff and all the workers on the half-century of spiritual progress.

D r . B ob Shu ler , S r . Editor and Publisher The Methodist Challenge

My attention has been called to the coming Golden Jubilee of the KING'S BUSINESS, one of the truly great religious journals of our land. Having been busy with a minor publication of the same character for a quarter of a century, I have been drawn to the KING'S BUSI­ NESS and have watched its prog­ ress and success with great interest. It has been promoted and guided by dedicated and talented men and women, who have not hesitated to give their best to the messages that it has carried on its pages. This is a sad day of uncertainty in many fields that should be man­ ned by courageous men of sure faith and Integrity. This is true of our country and of the Christian church. The voice of the prophet Is not heard as once it was. In such an hour, it is with a sense of joy and hope that we read the pages of magazines like the KING'S BUSI­ NESS. That publication has had a certain message and has published it with boldness and confidence. . God bless and prosper those brave crusaders for truth and right who shall carry on through the next fifty years, holding the fort and flying the flag, that shall mean that God has not indeed left Himself with­ out witness in this black period of apostasy and denial. I am an old man and my eyes are dimming, but I shall watch with expectancy the coming golden years of the KING'S BUSINESS. That they will be golden, I have no doubt!

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