King's Business - 1960-01

KING'S BUSINESS JUBILEE BIARY (Continued from page 17) October 24, 1945, in San Francisco, there has been some blundering and some ineffectiveness, there has been some concrete action and at least one demonstration of the solidarity of the member nations. How long such union can be preserved, world states­ men hesitate to venture. These are great days in which to be living if you are a child of God.” JULY, 1951 News Item: “ BIOLA’S fame is spread through­ out the earth. . . . A few months ago, the far-flung journeys of Dr. Talbot were brought to the attention of the Royal Geographical Society of Great Britain, a long-established Society numbering among its Fellows, David Livingstone. . . . At the last Council meeting, Dr. Talbot was elected a Fellow of this renowned Society . . . and now has the F.R.G.S. degree.”

latest and greatest atomic bombs grips our land. . . . While we rejoice for the sake of ourselves and our children that the USA is evidently winning the race with godless communism in the manufacture of nuclear weapons, yet the fact that man has in his hands such forces of destruction can­ not fail to strike terror to the heart of any thinking person. . . . We must turn to God for direction in times like these.” APRIL, 1956 Missionary News: “ The National Geographic Society recently described the Auca Indians of Ecuador as the world’s most blood­ thirsty killers. They live in the dense rain jungles and before January 8 of this year few people outside of Ecuador had ever heard of them. . . . That was the day the first mission­ aries—five young men, one a gradu­ ate of our School of Missionary Medi­ cine—to reach the Aucas, were mur­ dered by them. When the news broke, an interviewer asked Clarence Jones of HCJB if these Stone Age people could be evangelized. Said Jones: ‘They have hearts and God can reach their hearts.’ ”

Mr. Ray A. Myers, Biola Board Chairman 1, 1938, has resigned in order to de­ vote himself more fully to his nation­ wide Bible-teaching, missionary and radio ministry. . . . Coincident with the acceptance of Dr. Talbot’s resigna­ tion, the Board of Directors announces the election,of Dr. S. H. Sutherland to the office of president. . . . Dr. Sutherland also becomes Editor-in- Chief of THE KING’S BUSINESS.” News Item: “ A recent development of outstand­ ing significance has taken place in connection with the training program at BIOLA. In co-operation with the Los Angeles State Teachers’ College and the State Department of Educa­ tion, graduates of our education course are granted California Ele­ mentary Teacher Credentials.” News Item: “ Ten ‘miracle years’ of service by the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mis­ sionary Society, Chicago, were com­ pleted on Dec. 15, 1953. . . . Starting in 1943 without missionaries, head­ quarters, fields of service, or funds, CBFMS has grown to a family of 317 missionaries in ten fields, a home staff of 30 workers, and contributions from 1600 workers which totaled more than one and a quarter million dol­ lars for the last year alone. . . . It is known for its determined stand on the fundamentals of the faith, its em­ phasis on indigenous principles, its demand that missionaries be well- educated as well as thoroughly evan­ gelical, and for its systematic methods of missionary support.” Many BIOLA graduates are among CBFMS mis­ sionaries and candidates.” MAY, 1955 “ These lines are written as the full significance of the recent firing of the AUGUST, 1955 JANUARY, 1954


News Item: “ Dr. Louis T. Talbot, beloved presi­ dent of the Bible Institute since Oct.


Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, President Survey Maps for La Mirada Campus. SEPTEMBER, 1957 From feature article: “ The Gospel by Radio:” “ Across America ministers of the gospel have long made good use of radio and nowhere more than in Los Angeles, with a total of 353 radio broadcasts per week. . . . Leading the entire list of week-day programs is the Bible Institute Hour heard three times a week. . . . The Bible Institute also releases Dr. Talbot’s Verse-by- Verse Bible study five days per week and Accent on Youth is heard over 31 stations.” DECEMBER, 1958 From feature article: “ The Auca Advance” by Mrs. Marg Saint: “ Forty years ago the missionaries of Ecuador started praying for the (Continued on page 70)



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