King's Business - 1960-01

s4&out file flud-iiee M u c h earnest prayer and careful planning has been carried on for nearly a year in preparation for this once in a half-century publication. Throughout the 76 pages of this en­ larged edition of the KING’S BUSI­ NESS are articles, features a n d columns which have been designed with one purpose in mind; that to challenge and inspire the heart of every reader. We are greatly indebted to a large number of people for making it possi­ ble for us to present this special edi­ tion. Without the help of Christian advertisers, it would be impossible to print a book of this size made avail­ able to readers for only 25 cents. Many of our regular advertisers have increased their space and other new advertisers are to be found in this issue. Our special thanks also goes to the Church Press, the company which for many years has printed t h e KING’S BUSINESS. The interest shown by Mr. Kenneth Farson and Mr. Bernard Farson goes far beyond that of the usual client-printer rela­ tionship. These two dedicated Chris­ tian businessmen have offered invalu­ able help and advice in the many technical aspects of the publication, not only this month, but also for each issue of the year. Editorially, we have appreciated the fine articles submitted by some of this year’s speakers for the 25th an­ nual Torrey Memorial Bible Confer­ ence, sponsored by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. To Mrs. Betty Bruechert former managing editor, who prepared the Jubilee KING’S BUSINESS Diary we would want to also express our sincere appreciation. Mrs. Irene Boyd, copy editor, has spent many extra hours in checking proofs. Many people behind the scenes have had a share in the multitude of details which must be handled for a magazine of this size. On behalf of Dr. Ray A. Myers, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.; Dr. Louis T. Talbot, chancellor; and Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, presi­ dent; the presentation of this Jubilee anniversary issue of the K I N G ’ S BUSINESS is made. We trust, under the guidance and | direction of the Lord, that this issue will only be a foretaste of the others I to come during our 50th year. Pray with us and for us that in all things | Christ the Lord may have the pre- j eminence. — The Staff

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2 3 4 B ERG EN AVE. • J ER S EY C IT Y 5, N. J. Now available -50 year complete magazine index Compiled by Dr. Arnold Ehlert — Only $3.00 per copy K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California

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