King's Business - 1960-01

n « hi h i s By IN EZ M cG A H EY

“ Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.” The Alumni Association extends congratulations to those who have made possible the K I N G ’ S BUSINESS for the past fifty years, as the Lord has provided, guided, and undertaken. Frequently in the Alumni Office we receive letters from alumni in various parts of the world expressing their sincere appreciation of the KING’S BUSINESS. The Lord has used this magazine to bring blessing to many alumni serving on the fields of the world. “ It is a little bit of home” to many of them. Perhaps some of the alumni are not subscribers to the KING’S BUSINESS. These are missing challenging messages, in­ formative articles, Bible helps and studies, and many other outstanding aids to the Christian worker. Let us make 1960 a year of the KING’S BUSINESS in every alumni home. (Special subscription rates for the KING’S BUSINESS are available to alumni members. Order yours today)! HOMECOMING DAY January 8, 1960—HOMECOMING! This is the second annual Homecom­ ing. Last year over 200 alumni en­ joyed the day of fellowship, class re­ unions, and sharing what the Lord had done through the years. This year will be another oppor­ tunity to gather together to praise the Lord and share His blessings. Registration and Coffee Hour will

Biola Alumnus William Siemens is Dean of Students for Biola College

“ The Bible Institute Hour” BIBLE STUDY AT HOME In order to accomm odate persons who desire to prepare for the Lord's work, but cannot leave to attend a Bible School, Union Bible Sem inary has arranged the following lessons: 20 Lessons each in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Num­ bers, Deuteronomy, M atthew, M ark, John, Re­ velation, Hom iletics, Sunday School Lessons, Pastoral W ork, Evangelism , Personal Evangelism , ond Bible History and Prophecy. Each set con­ sists of 20 sheets, with approxim ately— 22.000 words. They contain the cream of the teacnirvg at the Sem inary, prepared by teachers of these subjects. Price $1 per set, five sets for $4, or all 15 sets for $10. UNION BIBLE SEMINARY Dept. K.B. Westfield, Indiana W A N T E D by THE BIOLA LIBRARY Eternity Magazine, vols. 1, 2, 1950-51 To complete file Write The Librarian 1 3800 Biola Ave. La M irada, C alif. N ationals and native workers in foreign lands, thoroughly investigated and approved, can be your full-tim e soul winners for as little as $40 up to $ 150 a year. W hat a trem endous invest­ m ent to the glory of God! Authentic reports direct from the worker. A re you interested? Full inform ation from MISSIONARY PRAYER LEAGUE, INC. 89 Quincy Street, Brooklyn 38, N. Y. In Glendale BIOLA BOOKROOM "The Complete Christian Supply Center” 121 W . W ilson - Glendale, C a lif. Personnel Wanted • Secretarial • M aintenance 9 General O ffice A F U L L T IM E M ISS IO N A R Y Can Be Supported For $40 A Year

begin at 8:30 A.M. The Alumni Chapel program, with R A L P H KRAFT ’38 as speaker, will be at 9:25. Following the luncheon in the dining room and a very important afternoon meeting, there will be a time of class reunions at Dr. and Mrs. Sutherland’s home, prayer, etcetera. The 6:30 banquet, with ROY KRAFT ’38 as speaker, and the basketball game with Azusa will climax the Homecoming Day. Free nursery faci­ lities will be provided. Reservations for these events of the Homecoming must reach the Alumni Association, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, Cali­ fornia, by the deadline, January 4. Also, please enclose $2.00 each for the banquet and $1.00 each for the Registration (if you plan to come for the day). Bring your family and friends. Remember—January 4 is the deadline for a good time on JANU­ ARY 8—HOMECOMING.

Ground breaking ceremonies were held recently for the new Pierce Memorial Infirmary on the new Biola La Mirada Campus. From left to right are Drs. Samuel H. Sutherland, Bay A. Myers and Harrison Pierce. Dr. Pierce is the school physician. With him is his wife and two neices who are students at Biola College. The Alumni center will be part of this building when finished.

BIBLE INST ITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. Att. Personnel Director 5 5 8 So. Hope St., L. A . 17, C alif.


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