King's Business - 1960-01



A g a in we are facing another New Year and soon we will be travel­ ing the New Year road of 1960. It is a new way, untrodden by any one of us. And because it is new and untrodden we feel our great need of a guide. This Guide we have is the Lord Jesus our Saviour. “And the Lord shall guide thee continually” (Isaiah 58:1a). In traveling we are comforted by someone who has traveled the road before and this we have in our won­ derful Guide. “ He goeth before” (John 10). “ And the Lord He it is that doth go before thee” (Deut. 31:8a). Not only does He go before us but He has promised to be with us. “ Lo, I am with you always” (and accord-

mighty” (Psalm 91:1). What a safe place this is. And for protection and upholding underneath us we have the comforting promise, “The eternal God is our ref­ uge and underneath are the everlast­ ing arms” (Deut. 33:27). The arms that are “ everlasting” are surely able to take care of us. Let us lean hard! Our protection would not be com­ plete if provision were not made for the danger at thè rear of the journey. We need protection behind, but ac­ cording to another precious promise this has not been forgotten. In Isaiah 52:12b we read “ The God of Israel will be thy reward.” Thus as wé travel the new way of 1960, we need “ Fear not, neither be


Bibles and Books Scofield Bible |— Retail and W holesale . Ail Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thum b Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 M ain Street, Ham burg, New York. A ll for only $1.00. Im portant Books by Radio Pastor Perry F. Rockwood of TH E PEOPLES GO SPEL HOUR: Protestants Aw ake (dangers of M ixed M arriages) 35c; Faith is the Victory (personal testim ony of Mr. Rockwood including sermons for which he w as put out of The Pres­ byterian Church) 25c; The Prince of Peace is Com ing; Im portant Prophetic Truths; Life Be­ yond the Grave; The Holy Spirit; The Bible in Our Space Age. A ll 7 books only $1.00. W rite: The Peoples Gospel Hour, P.O. Box 1660, Hali­ fax, N.S., Canada. Pastors and Students! W rite for free catalog of New and Used religious books. Libraries pur­ chased. Kregel's Bookstore, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, M ichigan. Books Wanted Religious libraries purchased. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, M ichigan. Bible Rebinding Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to m eet every need. A ll types of binding, rebinding. W rite for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Book­ binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. Miscellaneous JOH N 3:16 and other Spiritually Uplifting Bible texts on shiny white plasticraft style calling cards. Fifty cards, $1.00. Samples, 25c. Standard Specialties, Box 4382, San Francisco, C alif. Send for free sample copies of the Gospel W itness and Protestant Advocate, 16 pages, published weekly for over 37 years by the his­ torical Jarvis Street Baptist Church, Toronto. Contains w eekly sermon by Dr. T. T. Shields, a Sunday School lesson exposition, uncompromis­ ingly evangelical articles, current religious news, etc. Subscription $3.00 a year. Special introduc­ tory offer, 6 months for $ 1.00. 130 Gerrord Street Eost, Toronto 2, Canada. Missions Heathen waiting for Scriptures. Donations need­ ed now. Please! Send for added information TH E WORD TO TH E W O RLD FELLOW SH IP, Box 2878, Honolulu, Hawaii. Music Correct and singable hymn music composed, ar­ ranged, edited and printed. Folders free. Ray­ mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Dr. Gordon E. Hooker, who is associate pro­ fessor of music at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, has arranged some outstanding sacred piano solos. These arrangem ents are now avail­ able for m ailing, postpaid. They are: "There's a W ideness in God's M ercy," "Blessed Be the Fountain," and "Safe in the Arm s of Jesus." Original introductions, rich harmonies, brilliant cadenzas, m odulations, chim es. Just 35c each or three for $1.00. Order direct from Dr. Gordon E. Hooker. 13800 Biola Ave., La M irada, C alif. Schools You, too can acauire a working knowledge of the Bible in your home through courses by Bible Institute professors. Send for description of courses offered. Correspondence School, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., 558-K S. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.

HARVEST FOR ETERNITY Helen Frazee-Bower (W ritten especially for the King's Business Jubilee Commemoration) As rain that falls upon the thirsty soil Reclothes with beauty all the quicken earth, So is the Word of God. Our tears and toil, Our human efforts, are of little worth Without His blessing. But the promise holds: That where His Word is honored there shall be The fruitful field, increase of flocks and folds, Abundant harvest for eternity. Only the Lord, our wonder-working Lord, Could do what has been done within this place. In humble gratitude, with one accord, We thank Him for His bounty and His grace. This is His doing: it is marvelous; And unto Him be praise—not unto us.

ing to Bishop Moule, “ all the day long” ) (Matt. 28:20). Protection above is needed also and this is provided in Him whose prom­ ise says, “ He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the Shadow of the Al-

dismayed” for the Lord has gone be­ fore, is traveling with us, protecting us above, beneath and is our reward. Trusting Him, we travel on, “ Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Sav­ iour, Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).

It is the earnest and fervent prayer of the entire editorial staff that this special Jubilee edition of the King’s Business has been a rich blessing and challenge to your heart and life! If it has, we would appreciate knowing about it. Be sure to pass the magazine along to a friend.

Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.



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