King's Business - 1960-01

is nothing much to be alarmed at if couples indulge in such conduct. It made one rather disheartened to read in the above- mentioned article that the purpose of present-day "re­ searchers in human behaviour" is "to bring understanding out of confusion." The article continues, "The purpose is not to restore the old Victorian standards based on ignor­ ance and fear, but to establish new ones based on knowledge and the freedom to select the good, reject the bad." One wonders just how naive these "researchers in human behav­ iour" can become — in thinking that proper knowledge of sex and sex relations can and will lead young people to "select the good, rej ect the bad." Such an approach ignores completely the universal fact of the sinfulness of man and the fact that the "heart of man is desperately wicked" - that man, by nature, will select the bad even though he may know the good very well indeed ! furthermore, we might well ask the question, What was so wrong with the "old Victorian standards" anyway? It is readily granted that even in those days evidently a great deal of immorality existed "under cover." But that was not because of "the Victorian stand­ ards." Those standards were based, in large measure, upon the standards which are laid down by God in His Holy Word. It was not the Victorian standards that were wrong — it was those who violated those standards who were wrong. In view of the fact that it is quite readily admitted by social workers, today, that moral standards have degener­ ated to an appreciably lower level than were those of the Victorian era, one must conclude that all of the knowledge about and emphasis upon sex which we have seen in these re­ cent years has certainly not produced the desired results of keeping young people from falling into sin. The call, today, is for the church of Jesus Christ to pro­ claim once again the sinfulness of sin and the tragedy that surely results in following one's sinful desires. The call, today, is for the church to proclaim, once again, a doctrine of self-discipline and self-restraint and self-control, rather than self-indulgence and self-gratification. And the call, today, is for the church of Jesus Christ to let the world know how intensely it despises, even as God Himself hates, sin in any form while at the same time loving the sinner and caring for his soul. The ten commandments, as given to Moses by God Himself, so many centuries ago, still constitute the moral code by which the Lord expects Chris­ tians to conduct themselves and which Christians and non- Christians alike should set up as their standard for the welfare of the individual and for society as a whole. When we are born again, He writes the moral law in our hearts. In addition to speaking out against sin and encouraging people everywhere to "abhor that which is evil," it is the added responsibility and glorious privilege of the church to proclaim the fact that even though a man is a sinner in thought and word and deed - there is still hope. That hope lies in the personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as one's own Saviour from sin. He, alone, can save and deliver from the guttermost to the uttermost. It is the glorious privilege of the church to beseech men everywhere to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and to trust Him completely for salvation and everlasting life as well as for victory over sins of the flesh.

DR . W ILL IAM CULBERTSON P resid en t, M o o d y B ib le In stitu te speaks on the fundamentals of the faith. T h e B ib l e “ Biblical Christianity is not the stumbling, faltering, bungling guesses of men who evolved a man-made faith. It is the revela­ tion of the great God. Just because God— in keeping with His own character and purposes— chose not to give this revelation all at once is no rea­ son to mistake it for the blunderings of men. Progress in divine revelation is never from error to truth; it is always from seed to fruit, from little to much. But remem­ ber, even the embryo, even the little, is precious truth, not to be discarded, but to be regarded as foundational and funda­ mental. To spurn the message of the in­ spired and infallible Word of God is to court eternal disaster.” öuuuiu IIÖVC Dr. Culbertson’s book, “ God’s Provision for Holy Living,” a happy blending of Bible study and practical exhortation. 112 pages, paper bound. For your free copy, write Moody Bible Institute, Dept. K-0-860, 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago 10, 111.

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