King's Business - 1934-02

February, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


TheTibie Institute FÀMILY CIRCLE

Bora To Harold D. (’29) and Mrs. Amstutz (Janet Yeths, ’32), a son, Harold David, Jr., December 15, Los Angeles, Calif. To Leslie ( ’29) and Mrs. Ellis, a son, John Robert, November 20, Los Angeles, Calif. To Frank E. ( ’28) and Mrs. Manning, a daughter, Grace Irene, October 12, Rut- shurer, Congo Beige, Africa. To Harold and Mrs. Tuggy, a son, John Cunningham, October 31, Barcelona, Vene­ zuela, South America. To George ( ’27) and Mrs. Jantzen, a son, William John, December 13, Lustre, Montana. With the Lord Eunice Marie Jackson, eleven-months’- old daughter o f George W. ( ’25) and Mrs. Jackson (Agnes Hosie, ’26), December 1, Venezuela, South America. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and their two daughters are re­ turning to their home in Los Angeles be­ cause of the ill health o f Mrs. Jackson. After having been confined to her bed for about a year, Mrs. Arthur Tuggy was called home to be with the Lord, Decem­ ber 26, at Placentia, Calif. She is sur­ vived by her husband and one son, Arthur, Jr., age four. Mr. and Mrs. Tuggy were serving the Lord in Venezuela, South America, under the Orinoco River Mis­ sion, before returning to this country be­ cause of the ill health of Mrs. Tuggy, Married Preston Sowell, ’30, and. Eleanor Phil­ lips, in August, San José, Calif. Roy Sutton and Dorothy Fox, ’32, No­ vember 2, Doyline, rLa. Mr. Sutton - was formerly a student at the Los Angeles Baptist Theological Seminary. Caryle Hamner and EUla Fulton, ’33, December 14, in the students’ -social hall, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif. Dr. John A. Hubbard, a member o f the fac­ ulty o f the Bible Institute, performed the marriage ceremony. Annie Maude Fulton, ’26, the bride’s sister, who is an accepted candidate o f the Central American Mis­ sion, served as bridesmaid. Cleb Hamner was best man. W . A. Allen and Lucille March, Septem­ ber 13, Yunnanfu, China. Mr. and Mrs. Allen are serving under the China Inland Mission. Leon E. Keys, ’28, and Mildred L. Hib­ bard, in June, Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Keys have been visiting Mr. Keys’ parents in Nebraska. John Irwin apd Flossie Sowell, ’31, No­ vember 3, Créscent City, Calif. Following the marriage ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin left for a trip through Northern California and Oregon. They will make their home on the,Irwin ranch, Hughson, Calif.

and directs the orchestra and glee club. John Neuenschwander, ’25, after com­ pleting his Institute training, attended Wheaton College, Wheaton,: 111.-,- and the Evangelical Theological College of Dallas, -Tex. He is now acting as pastor of two churches, in Ohio, one in Gomer and the other in Kalida. Catharine Kulp, ’20, is nursing in a tu­ berculosis sanitarium at Colorado Springs, Colo. The following word has been received from Marguerite Goodner, ’33, who sailed in October for China, under the China In­ land Mission: “W e had a delightful visit in Yokohama and Tokyo. Our days in Shanghai, though very strenuous, were ex­ ceedingly precious. We were there five days, spoke two Or three times, had pri­ vate interviews with the members o f the Executive Committee of the Mission, did a vast amount of shopping, and visited with friends from Biola and M.B.I. We are now settled in Yangchow, and have begun language study, which, though fas­ cinating, is difficult. Do pray that God will give me mastery of the tones and un­ derstanding of the characters. Pray most ' o f all that I will glorify Him each moment of the day, whether at study, worship, or at play.” Ella Bennett, ’20, recently returned to Los Angeles from Guatemala, Central America. She testifies to the blessing of the Lord upon her work in that field. As soon as Miss Bennett’s support is supplied, she will return to Guatemala.

Gleanings from Our Graduates I nder the direction o f J. B. Trow­ bridge, a member o f the faculty of the Bible Institute, the Los Angeles Choral Union rendered the “Messiah,” in the Bible Institute auditorium, December 19. Mar­ garet Pinkerton Mathews, ’27, was the pianist. A large, appreciative audience at­ tended. ■ J. Keith ( ’32) and Mrs. Altig 033), and Arnold G. and Mrs. Breitler (Alice Gabbe, ’27), known as the “ Gospel Clarions,” left in December for a trip across the country. Murdock D. Morrison, ’33, who, during his .second year at :the Bible Institute, acted as'pastor o f the Avalon Community:

Church,,Los Angeles, accepted a call to the G ra ce B a p tist ■Ghtirch o f Modesto, Calif., in September, ,1933, taking the posi­ tion left Vacant by Theron M. Chastain, '26, ■who resigned to enter the B a p t i s t Seminary .at L o u is­ ville) Ky. A cbuncil 'was ca lle d b y the Grace Baptist Church on November 9, for f^e. purpose of ex­ amining the can d i­ date, and if he should

M urdock D. M orrison

be qualified, o f recommending him for or­ dination. Carl Derfelt, ’26, pastor ofithe First Baptist Church, Ceres, Calif., acted as moderator o f the council, and A. Kurkowske, ’24, pastor of the United Brethren Church, Modesto, Calif., as secretary. After the examination o f the candidate by the coun­ cil, he was unanimously recommended to the Grace Baptist Church for ordination, and was welcomed to the fellowship of the Independent Baptist Churches o f Cali­ fornia. At the ordination service, follow ­ ing the examination, the sermon was preached by William Pearson, ’22, pastor o f the First Baptist Church o f Santa Cruz, Calif. At the close of the ordination ser­ vice, Mr. Derfelt formally welcomed Mr. Morrison into the ministry. Florence Turner, ’30, who sailed recently for South America, was met at Carupano, Venezuela, by V. V. Eddings, T3, director o f the Orinoco River Mission. Describing her first Sunday there, she writes': “I en­ joyed my. first Sunday in Carupano very much. Sunday-school begins at 9:30 a.m., but some o f the people come at 8:30 a.m. and wait until Sunday-school begins. I at­ tended the women’s class. Some are Chris­ tians and some are n ot The church ser­ vice was one of praise and prayer, and it was hard for me to keep back the tears when I heard the. believers testify and pray. It would put many to shame if they could see and hear these people.” Ruth A. McClain, ’18, attended the Uni­ versity o f California at Los Angeles after completing her Institute training. She is now teaching music, writing, and art at Graham Grammar School, Los Angeles,

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A group of missionaries in Guatemala, Central America, working under the Central American Mission. Ella G. Bennett, *21, is standing at the extreme left, and A. J. Anderson, ’23, is at the right, holding cme of his little daughters. The other is seated in the foreground.

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