King's Business - 1934-02

February, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


HOW TO SPEAK & WRITE M A S T E R L Y E N G L I S H ' * Sherwin Cody’s remarkable inven­ tion has enabled more than 70,000 people to correct their mistakes in English. Only 15 minutes a day required to improve your speech and writing.


and diplomats, in order that they may be fully aware of the insidiousness of the powers o f lawlessness in their attempt to overthrow all law and order. In the closing chapters o f the book, we find Dr. Gaebelein’s answer to the question, “What Shall Be the End of These Things?” He shows how the final con­ flict will be culminated in the overthrow o f the Antichrist at the coming triumph of our Lord. ■We most heartily commend the book to all the readers of the King’s Business. 172 pages. Our Hope Pub. Co. Qoth. Price $1.00. This book embodies a course of lectures delivered at Columbia Theological Semi­ nary in 1931 and 1932 on the general theme o f the geography of revelation. The late Dr. Kyle was research lecturer at Pitts- burgh-Xenia Seminary, lecturer in Archae­ ology at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, and a member of the American Oriental Society. In introducing the present volume, to which he has given the sub­ title, “A Study o f Towering Bible Charac­ ters by Walks and Talks at Sacred Places,” the author explains that “the lectures con­ stitute the ‘walks,’ at sacred places of this volume; the ‘talks’ have been prepared throughout many years o f research in Bible lands.” The book is in six parts, each embracing several chapters: “Walk­ ing in the Morning Twilight with the Pat­ riarchs,” “Walking at Sunrise with Moses,” “ In the Footsteps of the Pro­ phets, in the Sunshine and Shadow,” “In the Footsteps of Our Lord: The Galilean Ministry, the Way of Service,” “ In the Footsteps of Our L ord : The Judaean Ministry, the Way of Reconciliation,” and “ In the Footsteps of the Apostles and Evangelists.” 217 pages. Cloth. Fleming H. Revell Co. Price $2.00. This second series of talks to boys and girls is a sequel to the author’s popular volume, Sand or R ock? The book is com­ prised o f twelve brief talks—character pic­ tures of Bible heroes, spiritual lessons from Bible incidents, and simple sermonettes. The discussions are informal in nature and evangelistic in effect. The climax of each is reached by the consistent presen­ tation o f the Lord Jesus Christ. Many winsome and illustrative stories are used, always carrying enough action to capti­ vate the most rugged boy or the most imaginative girl. This book would be of value in any field of children’s activities, as a means o f pointing little ones to an understanding Saviour, and o f developing in them a spontaneous, happy attitude to­ ward the things o f God. 100 pages. Thynne & Co., Ltd., London, England. Cloth. Price not given. Mooring Masts of Revelation B y M elvin G rove K yle Ladders Reaching to the Happy Land B y E dith G oreham

Gospel Sword Thrusts By M ark A. M atthew s

From the author’s scholarly pen has come this group of fifteen sermons pre­ pared to “defend the faith delivered once for all to the saints.” Those who are seek­ ing more light on such subjects as “The Everlasting Trinity,” “The Virgin Birth o f Christ,” “The Jew and His Relation­ ship to the Present and the Future,” and Christ’s coming again, will, by this means, be guided easily into clear, scriptural, and comprehensive thinking. The book abounds in spiritual truth, tending to strengthen the soul. Each sermon is short, enlighten­ ing, and productive o f a desire for deeper study o f God’s Word. 156 pages. Pick­ ering & Inglis. Qoth. Price $1.25. The Conflict of the Ages B y A rno C lem ens G aebelein This latest book o f Dr. Gaebelein’s will be regarded by many as his masterpiece. In an early chapter, he deals with “The Origin and Mystery of Lawlessness.” He follows this with a setting forth of God’s redemptive promise, and then shows the subtlety of the conflict o f the forces o f evil, tracing this through. various epochs of world history. A chapter on the Russian Revolution is very illuminating and instructive and clearly shows how the movement seems in­ tended for a world revolution. The author follows this treatment by evidence to show how the United States is the seed plot for the revolutionary ideas being propagated by Russia today. This book ought to be in the hands of our legislators

^THOUSANDS of per- sons make little mis- takes^ in their everyday English and don’t know it. As a result of thousands of tests, Sherwin Cody found that the average person is only 61% effi­ cient in the vital points of English. In a five-minute conversation or in an av­ erage one-page letter, from five to fifty errors will ap­ pear. It is surprising how many experienced stenog­ raphers fail in spelling such' common words as “ business,” “ abbreviate,” etc. It is astonishing how

many business men say “ between you and I,” in­ stead of “ between you and me,” and use “ who” for “ whom,” and mispronounce the simplest words. Few know whether to use one or two “ c’s” or “ m’s” or “ r’s,” whether to spell words with “ ie” or “ ei,” and when to use commas in order to make their meaning absolutely clear. A REMARKABLE INVENTION Mr. Cody has specialized in English for the past twenty years. But instead of going along m the old way he has applied scientific principles to teaching the correct use of our language. He made tens of thousands of tests of his various devices before inventing his present method. In all his tests he found that the trouble with old methods is that points learned do not stick in the mind. In school you were asked to remember rules, and if you forgot the rules you never could tell what was right and what was wrbng. yFor years Mr. Cody has studied the problem of cre­ ating instinctive habits of using good English. As a result of his experience he evolved his wonderful new SELF-CORRECTING METHOD A patent was granted to Mr. Cody ' on his unique device, and now he places it at your disposal. This invention is simple, fascinating, time-saving, and incom­ parably efficient. You do the lesson given on any page, then you see exactly how Mr. Cody himself would correct it. You mark your errors and check them in the first blank column. Next week you try that page again, on the second unmarked sheet, correct your errors, and check them in the second column. You see at a glance what you have learned and what you have failed to remember, until you have reached the 100 per cent point in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and expression, ONLY IS MINUTES A DAY A remarkable advantage of Mr. Cody's course is the speed with which these habit-forming practice drills can be carried out. You can write the answers to fifty questions in 15 minutes and correct your work in five minutes more. You waste no time in going over the things you already' know. Your efforts are automatically concentrated on the mistakes you are in the habit of making, and, through constantly being shown the right way, you soon acquire the correct habit in place of the incorrect habit. There are no rules'to memorize. There is no tedious copying. There is no heart-breaking drudgery. FREE— BOOK ON ENGLISH A new book explaining Mr. Cody's remarkable method is ready. If you are ever embarrassed by mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, pronunciation, or if you can not instantly command the exact words with which to express your ideas, this new free book, “ How You Can Master Good English—jin 15 Minutes a Day," will prove a revelation to you. Send the coupon or a letter or postal card for It now. SHERWIN CODY SCHOOL OP ENGLISH, 732 Searle Building, Bochester, N. Y. [-------------------------------------- --------------------------1 | SH E R W IN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH, ] I 732 Searle Building, Rochester, N. Y. . I * Please send me your free book, “ How You Can 3 Master Good English—in 15 Minutes “a Day.’ ’ Name.


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WesternMissionary Society (Seeking to reach 5,000,000 in 12 Western States) Undenominational in management. Interdenominational in fellowship. Fundamental in doctrine. Home Missionary and S. S. Organization in activity and service. Five Workers Placed— More to Fol­ low. Funds Needed for Support. SEND TO: STANLEY B. DEAN, Sec.-Treas. 3117 Columbus Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. W RITE: REV. JOSEPH T. LARSEN Founder and Superintendent 3033 Columbus Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. (Work done in Colo., Wyo., Calif., Arizona, Montana, Utah, and other Pacific States.)



This valuable book can not be sejit to children

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