King's Business - 1934-02

February, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


The Word of God P salm 119:11 1. A good thing—“thy word.” 2. In a good place—“in mine heart.” 3. For a good purpose—“that I might not sin against thee.” —W alter E. E dmonds . The Gospel “ The beginning o f the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son o f God” (Mk. 1:1). —C harles M. A lexander . Love— “A More Excellent Way” 1 C orinthians 13 Love is comparable to a jewel, superior to all others. It flashes forth three strik­ ing colors: I. Its Unique Necessity (vs. 1-3). II. Its Marvelous Nature (vs. 4-7). III. Its High Supremacy (vs. 8-13). 1. Over things transitory (v. 8). 2. Over things which abide (v. 13). —J ohn B ewley . Hearing God Speak “ W e ha/ve heard his voice” (Deut. 5 :24). There are restraints, requisites, and re­ wards connected with the hearing o f God’s voice. I. The Restraints. 1. The disobedient cannot hear Him (1 Pet. 2:8 ). 2. The hardened will not hear Him (Psa. 81:11). 3. The indifferent do not hear Him (Ezek. 3:27). II. The Requisites. 1. The hearing ear (Isa. 55:2, 3). 2. Fear of God (Psa. 25:14). 3. Willingness to obey (Deut. 4:29- 31). III. The Rewards. Palm Tree Christians The palm tree flourishes in waste, barren land. There are some people who are able to live in trying places, but only the right­ eous can flourish there, for God supplies their every need. The palm tree proves that water is near. The palm is always green; it gives wel­ come shade and refreshment to passers-by. So it is with the righteous; the water o f the Word, from which they draw their nourishment, enables them to give help and comfort to burdened, weary hearts about them. The palm tree has more uses than any other tree. Some 360 valuable and useful articles are made from it— food, rope, clothing, furniture, etc. Similarly, the Christian is used o f God to meet the world’s need. The palm branch is the symbol o f vic­ tory. The Christian may ever be victorious in Christ.—E thyl ' S tieglitz . The Same Remedy Under the microscope, no two leaves are alike, not even those of the same tree. Yet they are all subject to the same dis­ eases, and the horticulturist uses the same kind of spray on them all. No two persons are exactly alike. Yet “all have sinned and come short o f the glory of God,” and all need the same rem­ edy—the precious blood o f the Lord Jesus Christ.—E arl E. L indgren . 1. What is the gospel? 2. Whose is the gospel? 3. Where did it begin o f old? 4. Where does it begin now? 1. Life (Isa. 55:3). 2. Joy (Jer. 15:16). 3. Ministry (Acts 4:20). if*f—L awrence T aylor .

HELPS for'Treachers and Teachers B y P a u l P r i c h a r d

5. Our Bible Study (Col. 3:16; 2 Tim. 2:15). 6. Our Victory (2 Cor. 13:5). —E. H. C ook . God’s Word in Action “Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; And like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” (Jer. 23:29). God’s Word is often portrayed as a lamp, a sword, or as bread. This text speaks o f it in another sense—as a fife and as a hammer. It pictures God’s Word in action. The action is against the ene­ mies o f Jehovah; namely, the false pro­ phets—the modernist preachers. Such men are startled and dismayed to discover that God’s Word is active, drastic, and ef­ fective.

God’s Abundant Provision Abundant peace for the troubled (Psa. 37 : I Q Abundant grace for the needy (Rom. 5 : 17). Abundant joy for the sad (2 Cor. 8 :2 ). Abundant power for the weak (Eph. 3: 20 ). —G olden G rain . Check Up Let us apply this expression, so common to motorists especially, to our spiritual life. Let us check up on: 1. Our Consecration (Mk. 16:15; John 15:13). 2. Our Prayer Life (Matt. 6 :6 ; 26 : 40).! 3. Our Self-Denial ?(Matt. 16:24). 4. Our Nonconformity to the World (Rom. 8:5 ).

Mr. Superintendent What are your Teachers teaching your Sunday School Students?

Are you thoroughly familiar with the teaching materials being used in your Sunday School ? Are your stu­ dents being taught the age-old, de­ pendable, inspiring truths o f the Bible, or is the lesson period being given over to less important, less vital subjects? Don’t waste the Sunday School opportunity! Use

Standard Lessons (Graded and Uni­ form), built squarely on the Bible as the Word o f God— every lesson a Christ-Centered Bible Lesson! I f you believe the Bible as the Word o f God should be taught in the Sun­ day Schools it will be to your ad­ vantage to investigate Standard true to the Bible lessons.

Send for FREE F IR ST A ID Packets covering every department in the Sunday School, carefully and prayerfully prepared to help the Sunday School to play a greater part in the development o f Christian character— to give the children lessons that are True-to-the-Bible. Write today. THE STANDARD PUBLISHING CO. Eighth and Cutter Streets Dept. K.B. I Cincinnati, Ohio

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