King's Business - 1934-02

February, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


MARCH 14 Doing Your Part “And the men did the work faithfully" (2 Chron. 34:12). You cannot set the world right, or the times, but you can do something for the truth; and all you can do will certainly tell if the work you do is for the Master who gives you your share. And so the burden of responsibility is lifted. This as­ surance makes peace, satisfaction, and re­ pose possible, even in the partial work done upon earth. Go to the man who is carving a stone for a building. Ask him where that stone is going, to what part o f the temple, and how he is going to get it into place, and what does he do ? He points you to the builder’s plans. This is only one stone of many. So, when men shall ask where and how your little achievement is going into God’s plan, point them to your Master, who keeps the plans, and then go on doing your little service as faithfully as if the whole temple were yours to build. — P h illips B rooks . MARCH 15 The Devil’s Lies “ The devil . . . is a liar, and the father o f if' (John 8:44). The great tempter of men has two lies with which he plies us at two different stages; before we have fallen, he tells us that one fall does not matter; it is a trifle; we can easily recover ourselves again. After we have fallen, he tells us that it is hopeless; we are given over to sin, and need not attempt to rise. It is a terrible falsehood to say that to fall once does not matter. . . . But then, if we have fallen, Satan plies us with the other lie: It is o f no use to attempt to rise; you cannot over­ come your besetting sin. This is still more false. You may rise. If we could ascend to heaven today, and scan the ranks of the blessed, should we not find multitudes among them who were once sunk as low as man can fall? But they are washed, they are justified, they are sanctified through the blood o f our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit o f our Lord. And so may we be.— J am es S talker . MARCH 16 The psalmist does not say what he wants God to do for him. He leaves it open. So this most restful prayer is left open for all perplexed hearts to appropriate “ac­ cording to their several necessities.” . . . Only a trusting heart can pray this prayer at all. The very utterance of it is an act o f faith. W e could not ask any one whom we did not know intimately and trust im­ plicitly to “ do” for us without even sug­ gesting what. Only a self-emptied heart can pray it. It is when we have come to an end of our own resources, or rather, come to see that we never had any at all, that we are willing to accept the fact that we can do nothing, and are willing to let God do everything for us. Only a loving heart can pray it. So, if we have caught at this little prayer as being just what we want, just what it seems a real rest to say, I think it shows that we do trust in Him and not in ourselves, and that we do love Him really and truly. — F rances R idley H avergal . MARCH 17 Workers “ W e are laborers together with God” (1 Cor. 3:9 ). God needs not our help, yet He conde- Leaving the Choice with God “Do thou for me” (Psa. 109:21).

W H A T are you teaching your P R IM A R Y C L A S S ? Are your Lessons keeping bright their Faith in God ? Because your Primary children trust you, be­ cause they believe in you, it should be your prayer as you face your class, “ Help me to so teach that I may keep bright forever their faith in God.” But, despite your consecration, your teach­ ing will not bring about that happy result unless your lessons are Christ-Centered, true to the Bible as the revealed Word o f God. Take no chances. Use Standard Lessons (Graded and Uniform), teach only the Bible and teach it better! Every lesson a Bible lesson, building faith in God and in Christ as a personal Savior. Standard teaching mate­ rials are o f undeniable loyalty to the Book of Books, and to the divine Son o f God. Write for the sample lessons today.

Send for F R E E First Aid Packet for the Primary Depart­ ment, containing helpful suggestions and sample les­ sons. Similar packets also available for Nursery, Be­ ginners’ , Junior, Intermedi­ ate, Young People’s, Adult Departments. They will be sent on request.


Eighth and Cutter Streets

Dept. K.B.-2

Cincinnati, Ohio

MARCH 13 Good Cheer

Are YOU Thoroughly Informed on the Most Vital Question of the Day? T h e L I Q U O R P R O B L E M • National and International • READ The scientific, economic, legislative and human­ itarian viewpoints in the periodical which specializes on this subject T H E U N I O N S I G N A L the organ of the National W.C.T.U. A WEEKLY PUBLICATION Per year.................................. ................$1.00 8 months (newsubscriptions only)........ .50 Single copies................................. 5 cents each Published at EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Phone VAndike 9483 E R I C K P E T E R S O N FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING 730 W . Sixth St. Lot Angeles, Calif.

“ There stood by me this night the angel o f God, whose I am, and whom I serve, Saying, Fear not . . . Wherefore, sirs, be o f good cheer : for I believe God" (Acts 27:23-25). The night was dark I The winds were wildly shrieking! The angry waves their progress sternly stayed; When lo, a voice—it was the Master speaking— “’Tis I,” He said, “cheer u p ! Be not afraid!” Night still comes down and winds and waves bring terror! Our hearts brood much on these, and faint with fear; W e see and hear not Him—there lies our error; Small wonder, then, we share not His “good cheer.” “’Tis I,” He said. Faith’s phantom was the Master! “’Tis II Be of good cheer! Be not afraid.” ’Twas blessing that was coming—not disaster; Alas, that, blind, they should have been dismayed! — I t D an son S m it h .

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