King's Business - 1934-02


B I B L E I N S T I T U T E O F L O S A N G E L E S . . . I N ­ V I TES Y O U T O J O I N P R E S I D E N T T A L B O T ' S RAD IO CO N G R E G A T IO N ^ Three great radio programs emanate from Bible Institute of Los Angeles weekly. The Insti­ tute desires to have every one o f its friends join the growing number of listeners to these broadcasts. It hopes to extend the influence of these messages from coast to coast. The Bible Institute has many friends in every state; consequent­ ly, President Talbot can reach thousands of homes with a vibrant message of encouragement. This is of course only possible by increasing the scope and influence o f this ministry—and by devising a means of estimating its effects. Will you help us in this work? We'ask your interest and your at- tention to the messages now being sent forth. R A D IO S C H E D U L E THE PROPHETIC HOUR — KMPC (710 KILOCYCLES) 11 TO 11:30 A.M . TU E SD AY, W E D N E S D A Y , THURSDA Y, AND FR IDAY MORN­ INGS. Current events are viewed as fulfillments of Scripture prophecy and the prophetic books of the Bible are reverently interpreted. TH E PROTESTANT HOUR — KMPC (710 KILOCYCLES) 9 :3 0 TO 10 P.M . SA TURDA Y NIGHT. Matters of surpassing interest to Protes­ tants are stressed in these broadcasts. BIBLE INSTITUTE’S M U S I C A L HOUR — KFAC (1300 K ILO CY­ CLES) 1 :3 0 TO 2 P.M . W EDN ES­ D A Y AND FR IDAY AFTERNOONS. A musical hour conducted by Herbert G. Tovey, Director of Music, Bible Institute of Los Angeles. • California Friends Enthusiastic WILMINGTON:—“ My husband is a school teacher and all last summer he hardly missed a broadcast.“ A PASTOR IN SAN BERNARDINO WRITES: “ You will be glad to know that a large num­ ber of my congregation are listening to your messages every morning. They have given me a deeper Insight into the Word of God.“ SAN DIEGO:—“ I have just recently discov­ ered your radio message and am very interested in your presentation of present-day events in the light of God’s Word.” B y a r r a n g e m e n t with a radio sta­ tion which serves a wider ra­ dius than that of KMPC, the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles plans to extend the territory in which Presi­ dent Talbot is now heard. The Institute asks your prayers for this project and urges an expression of your wishes. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES S58 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.


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