University of London (Head of Estates Operations)


Dear applicant, Thank you for your interest in the Head of Estates Operations role at the University of London.

The central University benefits from a large and prestigious estate and, as its custodians, we must do our utmost to ensure it continues to provide the foundation upon which the future of the University of London will be built, focusing on a vision of efficiency, sustainability and quality. Our new Director of Property and Facilities will lead the implementation of our ambitious estates strategy which will transform our property portfolio and further enhance our reputation in providing world class facilities. She will influence and inspire others to ensure the Estates Strategy significantly enhances the student experience. The Estates Strategy sets out a challenging investment programme. It also identifies properties that could be replaced or redeveloped and sets out sites that Colleges may wish to develop for themselves. In addition, the Strategy establishes master planning for Senate House and its immediate surroundings to open up this iconic building as an academic hub for use by our member institutions and Central Academic Bodies alike. A hub which students, researchers and staff can continue to feel pride in for generations to come. Put simply, our strategy is to ensure our property is valued and relevant. ‘Valued’ both in terms of its financial return but also as an enabler for our core activities. ‘Relevant’ in that our property adapts to changing need and circumstance. These imperatives demand that we remain vigilant in maintaining, updating, adapting, acquiring and disposing of property according to the needs of today and tomorrow. If you recognise this commitment to ambition and would like to contribute your expertise to our team, I would encourage you to apply. Chris Cobb, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Operations), Chief Operating Officer.

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