Dr. Sam Sukkar - October/November 2022


In our later years, we can do a lot to keep ourselves spry and mentally fit. We can eat healthy diets, get regular wellness checkups, and incorporate movement into our daily routine, possibly in the form of yoga. But have you heard of yoga for your eyes? Yes, it’s a thing, and the former Beatles frontman Paul McCartney, now 80 years young, swears it has drastically improved his eyesight and preserved his vision. Today, McCartney is still writing, recording, and performing music, a virtue only made possible by maintaining a healthy lifestyle that promotes longevity, and for him, eye yoga plays a large role! Last year, McCartney shared his eye yoga technique with his fans and the news — he even made a YouTube video demonstrating his routine! While on a trip in India in the late 2000s, a yogi turned him on to practice. “[The yogi] explained that your eyes are muscles, whereas your ears aren’t, so you can’t exercise your ears. But your eyes, you can,” he explained to his daughter, Mary McCartney. As of two years ago, Paul McCartney still did not need eyeglasses, and admits he’s not sure he can fully attribute this blessing to his eye yoga. But because eyes are controlled by muscles, he’s going to continue to exercise and keep them healthy. And he hit the nail on the head!

While no studies or other evidence really prove that eye yoga, movements that claim to condition and strengthen your eye muscles, treat nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, eye yoga has been found to help relieve eye fatigue

and strain as well as improve your ability to focus your eyes. In fact, in a study involving 60 students in nursing school who practiced eye yoga for eight weeks, researchers found the students had less eye strain and fatigue. So, while you may have rolled your eyes once or twice while reading this, why not give eye yoga a try? At the very least, you’ll have a good look around!

Dr. Sukkar’s Phenol Peel

The phenol croton oil peel is a chemical treatment that penetrates deeply into the skin. This peel is used to lessen the signs of aging by reducing wrinkles, sun damage, and skin discoloration.

resurfacing. Skin resurfacing has one thing in common: depth of injury correlates with results as well as downtime. Going too superficial will not give the optimal result for wrinklier pigmentary correction, and going too deep runs the risk of scarring and having a prolonged time for healing. TCA can be quite effective for pigment changes and potentially wrinkle correction. The most important ingredient is the experience of the person performing your skin resurfacing with the agent they are most comfortable using. In my case, this happens to be phenol/croton oil.”

When asked about the Phenol Peel, this was Dr. Sukkar’s response:

“In my opinion, no other peel comes close to obtaining the result of a phenol croton oil chemical peel, and I say that with experience with lasers, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), and dermabrasion (all modalities) skin

Schedule a Phenol Peel procedure with Dr.Sukkar by 12.31.2022 and receive $250 OFF! Scan the QR code for more information!

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