King's Business - 1917-09



Interesting Experience of a Bible Institute Worker Among the “Ups and Outs”

^T 'HE following actual occurrences writ- ten by our Mr. Dodelan, who has charge of a noon-day prayer meeting at No. 648 South Spring Street, for busy business men, and who goes from office to office, speaking to the occupants of their souls’ welfare, will prove interesting to our readers: “In all the various branches of Christian activity—preaching, teaching, singing and personal work; wherever it may be—in the church, on the corner, in the shop or store, upon the sands of the sea-shore, in the highways and byways—picture, if you will, a place which in its uniqueness is incom­ parable to any other in which to approach a man for the Master’s sake—“The Lion’s Den” ! Where? Go with us to a great sky-scraper; stpnd before the unopened door of an office whose occupant or occu­ pants seem to have but one aim in life—to get to a place where the financial world will bow in acknowledgment of their achievements. Possibly the one who entered before you has brought news of a distract­ ing nature from a business standpoint, and there sits the man in frenzied mood, forget­ ful of God, groping in the dark, never reaching above the level of the world and its alluring joys and accompanying sor­ rows. . “The Master’s servant enters, little know­ ing of the storm raging in the mind of that fine specimen of manhood. One look, and a call upon Him who commanded the sea to be still is invoked in a silent, momentary prayer. A smile begets a smile, and we start on- the road to Jericho with the Mas­ ter: ‘Come down, Zaccheus, for today ,1 must abide at thy house.’ ‘That’s fine,’ you say. Ah, no, beloved, he needs your prayers. He does not come down, but after many importunities, admits that his grand­ father preached the Gospel sixty-three years; that his father preached the Gospel

thirty-four years, and that he. has two sisters who are missionaries in India. (Oh, Father; have you forgotten this lost sheep? Art Thou satisfied with the ninety and nine? No. Lord; though he scorns Thy word; has contempt for the prayers of Thy people, yet thou, torn and bleeding shall find him and bring him back to the fold). Shall we not pray for this wan­ derer? “Another man, when our mission was made known, invited us to sit down, which seemed too good to be true. When we told him how unusual it was, he said: ~‘I do so with every one I meet, wishing always to be likewise treated.’ We said, ‘You must be a Christian.’ ‘No,’ said he, ‘I admire some of those of your calling, but on the whole have no use for its principles.’ We spent an hour and a-half with him, and when we left he came to the door and wanted to know if he could assist in any way. When we told him we loved him and wanted him to believe in our Lord and Master, tears came into his eyes and he said, ‘Pray for me.’ When next we called, he spoke of the Saviour and called Him our Lord. “It is easy to deal with the ‘down and outs,’ but with the ‘up and outs’ we need your prayers. Their creed, is ‘do the best you can towards your fellow man, forget­ ting God and the hereafter.’ ” E = = 'p H E illustration on the cover this E rz month is the entrance, to the E tomb of Mera, the picture having E S been secured by Dr. Evans while on E E a tour of the Holy Land. E nmiiiiiiimiiimmmiiiiiiiiimmimiiimiiF. COVER ILLUSTRAT ION ^ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE

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