King's Business - 1917-09



Angeles, which has now assumed the resporisibility of its support and development. Hunan is one of the fourteen provinces now com­ prised in the Chinese Republic. It embraces about 80,000 square miles of country and contains about 22,000,000 inhabitants. Its people have been among the proudest, most arrogant and inhospitable, of the conservative pop­ ulation. It became known as “the sealed province,” “the hostile province,” etc., but is now freely open and willing, if not eager, to hear the message we have to bring them.

A BRIDGE ON THE ROAD TO NAN YOH The opportunity certainly is great,— first, as to the field, second, as to the conditions. We need to remind ourselves that Hunan alone has 22,000,000 people, and that close by is Kiangsi, connected with Hunan by mod­ ern railroad, and close business nnd social relationships, with a population of over 26,000,000; the two provinces together having a population equal to half of the whole United States. What a field! The people of Hunan are a well educated people, and a people of exceptional energy and character. It is a great delight and satisfaction to work among and for

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