them. Chanjgsha was one of the four cities chosen by the Rockefeller Foundation for carrying on its extensive work along medical lines. This fact is suggestive. “May I bring to your notice the populous county of Kiyang in the Yungchow prefecture? There is a large hsien city (a county seat) and many large country vil lages, without any missionary. I am responsible for that whole area, together with a large part of two other coun ties. We should all be glad to give the fullest co-opera-
BEAUTIFUL HUNAN AND BIBLE SCHOOL tion to a band of your workers, and I much hope that you can arrange to come to the aid of a district which is ready for the Gospel, but has as yet been very little evan gelised.” It is to meet these conditions that the Bible Insti tute of Los Angeles has taken up the unique work thus inaugurated by Dr. Keller, in the hope that, by the grace of God, they may reach in some worthy degree the mil lions of unevangelized souls for whom the Son of God shed His blood, with the precious Gospel of His salva tion. This involves the careful training of a large force
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