King's Business - 1917-09

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WORK OF THE BIBLE WOMEN Mrs. T. C. Horton, Supt.

E IGHT girls in one of the High School classes, have professed to accept Christ as their Saviour during the past year, and one who had become interested in Chris­ tian Science decided, at the last meeting of the year, to give it up and cling to the Word of God. At this same meeting, where forty-two girls were gathered for the study of the Bible, two who had never before received Christ as their Savior, did so at that time—one through the efforts of the teacher and the other through the personal work of ah older girl in the class. The following Saturday, the final event of the year was held, when the girls of all the High School classes gathered together in the Institute for a banquet and informal meeting. The two girls who had given their lives to the Lord came to the banquet with shining faces, bringing with them one of their class-mates whom they themselves had led to Christ during the week. These girls are now rejoicing in Christ, and pray­ ing for their class-mates, and we who have the privilege of teaching them, feel that the work among the High School girls is a work that pays to the very utmost.; After the class was over, the teacher spent an hour endeavoring to convince one of the girls who had gone into Christian Science the falsity of that so-calle‘d religion. For some time, a large number of the girls of the class stood around listening to the conversation. Finally the teacher noticed that, one by one, the girls had van­ ished, until she and the Christian Science girl were left alone. At last the teacher was compelled to leave, and supposed all the others had gone. On entering an

adjoining room, however, she found fifteen girls on their knees praying for her and for the girl who had been led astray by false teaching.


One day an opportunity was presented of having a long conversation with a really saved woman, very interested in missions and church work, but, as she said, some way not satisfied with her life. As we opened up some of the precious truths out of the Word for her, and showed her how to get at them for herself, she said, “This is just what I have been longing for, I am sure; but, do you know, I am almost ashamed to say so, but I never did know how to read my Bible so as to get very much out of it. I think I must get into a study class. I _never felt I had time for it before.” At the close of one of the Bible classes, the teacher said: “We ought to give thanks for a certain lady who has come to know the Lord this year, and has now

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