King's Business - 1917-09



thoughtful, yet was antagonistic and dis­ turbed by others as they entered. Then he changed about and began to joke and the interview was over. The worker pass­ ing from a remote part of the ship to the cabins on the bridge deck, put a leaflet under two doors where there was no response, and in a moment the sarfte young man opened the door, and seeing the worker again, asked him to enter his cabin, and after a talk of nearly half an hour, he said, “You have done this, at least; you kept me from visiting a house of, prosti­ tution tonight. I shall give deep thought to what you have said, and let me say to you, you are the only person to whom I have spoken as openly as I did. I have met many ministers on the ship travelling in the Orie'nt, sat at the table with them, and I always had one speech ready to spring on every one. I must confess I came to the end of my speech with you, and I don’t know what to say. The fact that you came on board and are trying to speak to us men made me think: why does he come on board of a ship like this? What prompts him?” We had to leave him, God was working, and although he did not accept Christ then, we have felt certain that we can claim him by faith as one brought to Christ.

On the same vessel, a splendid Christian • captain extended his welcome to the worker, and our hearts are now burdened for the wireless operator, who, although not a Christian, is leaning toward the truth, and is deeply interested, requesting several books to be forwarded to him, and asking for a New Testament. He does not speak English well enough to understand the plan of salvation but prayer is desired that God may speak to his heart. The regular steamer of the Japan-South America line arrived at San Pedro recently and in a meeting held on board, through the help of God, 57 confessed their willing­ ness to accept Christ as their Saviour. We feel that this is the direct result of a night spent in prayer by one of the dear Japanese students. Two hundred fifty New Testaments and a large number of gospels and over 1700 tracts were distrib­ uted on that one vessel. Will you not pray for those dear friends and those who have accepted Christ. .. Prayer is requested for a young man who was met on a British tanker. Enter­ ing the dining room we met this man, who brought up the current excuses of the day as a reason for not being a Christian. “You don’t believe the Bible, do you?” he asked, but as he was brought face to face with the fact of sin in his life, he became

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Marion H. Reynolds, Supt.

I T IS wonderful how the Lord can use some of us at all, but as we look over this past month and see how He has blessed us in the work, we can but look up with hearts full of praise and gratitude and say: “Praise God, He did it all.” It will be a great joy to you who have been remembering us in prayer to know how wonderfully God has answered. Our

noonday meetings have been a great bless­ ing to the men who have come in, and the attendance has doubled. We would ask that this month you pray with us, espe­ cially for the evening Gospel meeting, that God would give us even more souls than He has since the Club Room opened. Our God is the one who can do this and Will, (John 15:7).

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