King's Business - 1917-09



unsaved men are invited to join them, and a quiet but effectual work is carried on for God. He said they are now studying the doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ, and told how deeply interested they all were. We find the Christian men are growing more willing and eager to work with us in the shops. One suggested bring­ ing his cornet; another proposed using his good voice in song, while still a third would like to give a public testimony to the saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ before his mates. We are impressed with the fact wherever we go, that the work­ ingman is thinking, and a deepening con­ viction, that God will mightily pour out His Spirit in saving power in the days that are before us. The wide spread con­ certed action in the formation of Men’s Bible Classes and district prayermeetings, is being felt even now, and we must all be able and ready to feed and maintain these backsliders and spiritual babes with the sincere milk o*f the Word e’re the day of grace closes; and our golden oppor­ tunities are gone forever, so— “Let all that look for, hasten the coming joyful day, By earnest consecration to walk the narrow way, By gathering in the lost 'ones for whom our Lord did die, For the crowning day that’s coming, by and by. . . .”

night; we wanted to spend it all in just praising Him. “Oh what a Saviour, that He died for me; From condemnation He hath made me free; “He that believeth on the Son,” saith He “Hath everlasting life.” The past month has brought with it many new open doors for the giving of the joyful news; thanks to His precious name! We have found great responsiveness on the part of the workingman, and God has graciously permitted us to see the result of men believing the Gospel to the salva­ tion of their precious souls. We want to take occasion to praise Him for giving us some splendid Spanish Gospel singers who have reached the men’s hearts with the dear old familiar hymns of long ago, thus paving the way for the simple Gospel mes­ sage, which always finds a response in some hearts. The men seem so appreciative, and the warmth of their handshake with the hearty invitation to return is most encouraging. One hardy son of toil, at the close of a meeting, led us down the tracks and introduced us to a discarded car, loaned by the company, all fitted 4up for Bible reading with a splendid assortment of tracts and Bibles neatly arranged in a rack, and here- every noon the Christian men gather and study the Word under a compe­ tent teacher from, their number. Here the


James A. Vans, Supt.

C ENTURIES of prejudice, traditional teachings, false conceptions of Chris­ tianity, anti-Semitism, indifference, skepti­ cism and the materialistic tendencies of the present age, all combine to make work among the Jews exceedingly difficult. Yet in spite of these many hindrances God gives us to see some of the first-fruits, at

least, of his harvest from among His peo­ ple Israel. Mrs. Blank said she had never heard of such a thing as a Jewish Christian and her words and manner showed that she doubted if such a being existed. Yielding to curiosity, she attended a meeting for Jews at the home of the “Missionarie”.

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