King's Business - 1917-09



ing his dictionary and living an earnest Christian life, the record further says: “The same hope which had cheered the vigor of manhood, now shed a. softened light over the decay and sufferings of age. ‘I know whom I have believed’ was the solemn and affecting testimony -which he gave to a friend while the hand of death was upon him. Thus, without one doubt or fear, he resigned his soul into the hands of his Maker and died on the 28th of May, 1843, in the 85th year of his age.” The oil worker was quite astonished to read the confession of Mr. Webster as printed in his dictionary, and although he would not admit that he himself was a lost sinner, it was easy to see that he was impressed by the testimony of this great man to the glorious work of Jesus Christ in saving all those who repent towards God and exercise faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Gospel has been preached at Reward each Sunday evening during the month, with fair audiences. One evening forty- seven persons came, which was quite encouraging, for it is hard work to get people out to meetings. We had an interesting experience recently with a man who stated that he was an infidel. He had in his possession a large Webster’s dictionary. Knowing that the great educator was a most devoted servant of God, we asked him: “Do you know the grounds upon which Noah Web­ ster found peace and acceptance with God?” As he replied in the negative, the following portion was read from the “Memoirs of the Author” : “In respect to religion, Mr. Webster was a firm believer during a large part of his life in the great distinctive doctrines of our Puritan ancestors.” After writ­



R. H. Bender, Supt.

and asked God to pardon me.” We asked her what happened then, and she said that as soon as she believed with her heart, a joy, and peace came over her that she had never known before, and she knew that she was saved'and pardoned. She had always believed before, but it was with the head, now she believed with the heart. To God be all the praise! Perhaps the readers of T he K ing ’ s B usiness would like to take a week’s tour with the Missionary. Our week!s work begins with the Lord’s day, so on Sunday morning we board the Gleiidora car which takes us to Arcadia, at which place are located the section hohses of the Pacific Electric, Santa Fe and Southern Pacific; we visit each house and distribute tracts

f’T'HE WORD that has been impressed -*• upon us lately is, “He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bring­ ing his sheaves with him.” During the past month we have again experienced the joy of reaping some of the fruit of our labor. At one of the homes visited, while waiting for the men to come, we entered into conversation with the woman of the house, and asked if she had accepted Christ, and immediately she answered in the affirmative; I asked her when; “Well,” she replied, “do you remem­ ber the first time you explained the gospel and asked when'we were going to receive Him? I determined that I would receive Him that night, so I repented of my sins

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