King's Business - 1917-09



sionaries, and that they uncomplainingly make the most of their situation. More than lO O O Persons in the past two and one-half years have sub­ scribed for' one of our two Correspondence Courses in Bible Prophecy and only one wrote back a complaint. T hat one received money order in full by return mail and a kind letter with it. Series I—20 Lessons in Bible Prophecy $1.00 Series II—20 Lessons in Revelation $1.00 Ours is the simplest of correspondence systems. We do all the correspondence and you get all the benefit. A Lesson Sheet Each Week for 20 Weeks or in any way you like. Scores of m inisters of a dozen or more denominations are among our students, and many of them have had their m inistry ^revolutionized by the study. But the system is simple enough for any person who can intelligently read. Send us a dollar for either course by next mail. We recommend Series I be taken first. UNION BIBLE SEMINARY Westfield, Indiana

Resourceful The missionaries in Africa, in common with millions of other people throughout the world, are embarrassed in their living expenses. Mrs. Bessie Moon, of Bolenge, in a recent letter, says: “We have learned to make flour from plaintains now, so it will be a big saving for us. At present, flour and sugar are unobtainable in Congo. We have made our own starch for a year. Forty cents’ worth of manioca makes a year’s supply of starch, and we wash twice a week. We have always intended to teach the boys to make soap, but other things more important have taken our time. Not long ago I made my first hominy,” This indicates the resourcefulness of the mis­

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Present Worid Crisis in the Light of God’s Word. Aa g * 10c per copy; 50 copies $3.00; 100 copies $5.00 L H. Z I E M E R - - - - - Mansfield, Ohio

“ T h e K in g ’s B u s i n e s s ” a n d “ O u r H o p e ” Two Magazines to NEW Subscribers only Both g SC: for $1.50 To Foreign Subscribers $2.00 Make orders payable to BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES SIXTH AND HOPE STREETS LOS ANGELES, CAL., U. S. A.

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