King's Business - 1945-04



then the seed of Israel should also cease to be a nation. The editor goes on to point out the order in which those who despise Israel should pro­ ceed. First of all, to blot out the sun, cast away the moon and entirely de­ stroy the stellar universes overhead. Then and not until then can one pro­ ceed to exterminate the Jewish people. A press release which has just ar­ rived, tells of a peace treaty contest which is to open March 17th and close April 15th, soliciting themes of a thou­ sand words or less, setting forth the best practical plan for a just and dur­ able peace. Prizes totaling $10,000 are to be awarded and all legal residents in the United States are eligible. This will no doubt appeal to many right thinking men and women in this coun­ try, but how many, in writing to the judges, will suggest the one and only method of just and durable peace, which is God’s method and which is headed up in the personal return of the Prince of Peace? Our best wishes to the sponsors of this contest, followed by our sug­ gestion that the m at t e r of world peace is far too enormous a subject to be decided by man. What we need is the personal intervention of the Son of God. ♦ At last the question of how many promises are to be found in the Bible has been settled. For a long time pub­ lic speakers have been waxing elo­ quent over the multitude of promises to be found within the pages of the Old Book. Estimates have reached as high as 3300. We were pleased to see in the M a r c h issue of PROPHECY MAGAZINE, where the Editor had taken nearly 50 hours to get to the bottom of this question. The result of his labors showed that there were 4186 total promises of good things within the pages of the Bible. This of course does not count the threats of punish­ ment on the enemies of God, which really could not be called promises, all of which leads us to say that the qual­ ity of accuracy in dealing with the things of the Word of God, is very mucji to be desired. ♦ To those who are watching for the fulfillment of Biblical prophecies in current events, an article in TIME magazine for March 19 will be of great interest. Found in the depart­ ment on r e l i g i o n , under the title, "Rome-Moscow Truce?” this gives a concise account of the steps being taken at the present time to end the twenty-seven years' feud between the Vatican and the Kremlin. Such an exchange of political and religious in­ fluence cannot but affect the entire Christian world.

proper that we should exercise our right to object! We wonder what dif­ ference it would make if every Chris­ tian forwarded his protest to th e broadcasting companies. ♦ A timely and interesting article ap­ pears in the February READERS DI­ GEST, which should be required read­ ing for every last person who has any­ thing to do with high school educa­ tion in this country. It concerns a young Marine who had experienced the stark and tragic teachings of war on the Island of Guadalcanal. The authorities, finding him to be under age, subsequently released him and he found his way back to a high school in this country. His testimony is indicative of the contempt with which our returning soldiers will be regarding the curriculums in our pub­ lic schools as we find them today. He lashes out in this article against the “pink tea” assignments which were given him in the class rooms, suggesting that the whole spirit and atmosphere was more like that of a kindegarten than the last education­ al years which most young people-ex­ perience. Among other things, he demands to know why in the name of common sense, - we may not have religious teaching and leadership taught in our public schools. He suggests that more of our courses be fashioned on a practical basis, excusing students from things of no lasting value and urging upon them the actual ex­ perience of m a n a g i n g their own restaurant, drug s t o r e , bank and beauty parlor. He pleads for teach­ ing in morals and c o n d u c t , with frank and open discussions about life and prayer and death. He demands further: “Why is God so unwelcome in our school rooms?” Surely t h e s e observations from a young man who has lived almost a lifetime in the space of a few short months ought to c h a l l e n g e t he thoughts of every l o y a l American. There are too many courses in the high school curriculum which are of questionable value in later life, but the point in which we are most def­ initely interested is that which touches on the recognition of God, as affecting not only the high school curriculum, but all the questions of life. There was a time when God was welcome in our class rooms. May if not be so again? ♦ In the diminutive CHRISTIAN WIT­ NESS, being published in England, we find this interesting note on how to destroy the Jews. The editor requests that Anti-Semitists take notice. He quotes from Jer. 31:35-37, in which the Lord declares that if the ordinances of the sun, moon and stars were to cease,

times without number to anyone who is honest enough to recognize truth. God is not only worthy of being recog­ nized, but, what is of infinitely more importance, He demands recognition. Thinking men who have carefully scanned the years since the Versailles Conference following the close of the last war, have pointed out the signifi­ cance of the fact that God was ab­ solutely ignored in those peace terms, and that- peace has not endured. It is our profound conviction that many of today’s statesmen most earnestly desire peace, but the tragedy is that they will not recognize the only Power that can bring peace to this sorry world. It is not a question of pes­ simism over the outcome of Yalta, or a gloomy outlook at the peace con­ ference which will follow the cessa­ tion of European hostilities, which cause us to prophesy that there can be no enduring peace among men or na­ tions that consistently refuse to recog­ nize God’s place and God’s Son. ♦ We note that the newsy METHOD­ IST CHALLENGE o f f e r s congratu­ lations to two Southern universities. The story goes like this: The Dallas liquor dealers sent checks of $30,000.00 and $25,000.00 to the Southern Method­ ist University and to Baylor University, ii Baptist institution, and $10,000.00 to St. Paul’s Hospital, a Roman Catholic institution. Both Southern Methodist and Baylor promptly returned the checks declaring their opposition to the liquor business. Up to date, St. Paul’s Hospital still have their check. In these days of laxness in principles, particularly regarding financial mat­ ters, it is a good thing to reiterate what we consider a Biblical principle, that the only money which God can bless is that which comes from born- again hands, and which is sacrificially given. The related principle also holds true, that there will always be God’s money to do God’s work in God’s way. ♦ In the F e b r u a r y 15 issue of UNITED EVANGELICAL ACTION there sounds the opening gun of a battle to secure a square deal for religious b r o a d c a s t i n g , and the end of so- called discrimination against religious programs. Most of our listeners know that in the last six months, pressure has been brought to bear on the larg­ er evangelical broadcasters, forcing them into the morning hours on Sun­ day, and limiting their time to half an hour. The reason given for this is the public demand for other types of radio entertainment. Be this as it may, it is no doubt a fact that many a Christian who has enjoyed these fine Gospel programs has done nothing to protest their limitation or disap­ pearance from the air. God has given us a free country, and it is right and

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