King's Business - 1945-04


T H E K I N D ’ S B U S I N E S S

Object Lessen I dols —O ld an P N e W

AdventuringWithGod Waniess of India

OBJECTS: Four paper hearts. (Cut a slot down the middle of 3 of the hearts, 1 inch wide by 414 inches long. With one of these hearts placed over the unc :t heart,. print t h e wo r d “IDOLS” on the uncut heart, allowing it to show through the slot. On the heart with the slot, using the word “ IDOLS” complete the following words, “KING, MADE,. GOLDEN, CALVES, and WORSHIPED.” Place one of the other hearts over these and using the word “ IDOLS,” complete the follow­ ing words, “SIN, FRIENDS, GOLD, SELF, and PLEASURE.” ' Place the fourth heart over these- and complete the words “CHRIST, DIED, FOR, ALL. and SIN.” Turn this heart over and using the word “IDOLS” complete the following, “CHRISTS, LORDSHI P , LOVE, LOYALTY, and WORSm” .” Color both sides of this heart a light red.) _; L LESSON: I brought a heart with me this morning which is in trouble. No wonder it is in trouble, for I see the word “IDOLS” in the Center of the heart. Anything which comes between the soul and God is an idol. We will place another heart over this to show the condition of an ancient king, named Jeroboam. We now read, “KING MADE GOL DEN CALVES WORSHIPED.” In 1 Kings 12:30 we read, “And this thing became a sin: for the people went to worship before the one, even unto Dan.” We forget that the ancients are not the only ones guilty of having idols. The next heart represents those who live in the .present day. Placed over the others, we read, “SIN, FRIENDS, GOLD, SELF, and PLEASURE.” Yes, all these things can be idols which come between us and God. Even though we do not bow down to idols of wood, stone, gold, or silver, we can be just as guilty of the sin of idol worship as they were nearly a thou­ sand years before-Christ. When we know.that we are guilty of any sin, there is just one thing to do, and that is to receive Christ as our Saviour. I will place this red heart over these o t h e r s , and we read,- “CHRIST DIED FOR ALL SIN.” What a blessing it is to know that His blood cleanses from all sin. Let us turn this heart over and see what we find. It now reads, “CHRIST’S LORDSHIP, LOVE, LOYALTY, and WORSHIP.” Isn’t it wonderful to realize .that though the heart may have had idoJs in it, the blood of Christ cleanses from all sins and makes us true wor­ shipers of God? Let us ever keep in mind and heed in our p r a c t i c e tire words of the A p o s t l e John to believers: “Little children, keep yourselves from idols.” (I. John 5:21).

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The Room on the Housetop 2 K ings 4:8-11 MEMORY VERSE: “Be ye kind one to another” (Eph. 4:32). AIM: To show that when we love the Lord, we will be kind to His peo­ ple. APPROACH: When there is com­ pany at our house, someone may be asked to give up his bed or his room, so the guest may have a comfortable place to sleep. Today’s lesson is about people who did even more than that for someone who came to their home. LESSON STORY: The visitor was the Lord’s servant, Elisha, who lived many years before the Lord Jesus came to earth. Elisha used to go about the country with his servant Gehazi, telling people about the-Lord and helping them with their troubles. He was like a pastor. In a place called Shunem (v. 8 ),one family was specially good to Elisha. At first there were only the husband and his wife, but later they had a lit­ tle son. The Bible tells us that the mother was “ a great woman,” and part of her greatness was her thought­ fulness of others. Whenever she would see Elisha coming she probably would run to meet him and would say something like this: “Elisha, can’t you come to our house for supper? Do come in and stay all night.” Elisha liked to go there. One day the woman from Shunem had a little quiet talk with her hus­ band. “You know,” she perhaps said, “that minister, Elisha, is such a good man, ‘an holy man of God,’ and we are honored to have him visit us. He always does us a great deal of good. Let’s build a room for him that will be all his own! Whenever he comes this way, he can go right in and stay as long as he wishes” (cf. v. 10). The husband liked the idea and the little room was built. When they showed kindness to the Lord’s serv­ ant, these people really were showing their love for the Lord Himself, just as we are when we gladly give the best we have to those who visit us.







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