King's Business - 1945-04



ever our gift may be we are to give everything we have to its use and its development (vs. 6-8). . III. YOUR LIFE’S WORK AND GOD’S WAY (vs. 9-13). The remainder of the b o o k of Romans from 12:9 to the close tells the Christian how l:e will lit e u he has God at work in him. If you cannot live the way these verses say you should in the work you have chosen, be assured that it is not God’s will for your life. Someone has said, “If a man cannot be a Christian in the place where he is, he cannot be a Christian anywhere.” Notice how the Christian lives, anywhere and every­ where: (1) He lives a life without hypocrisy —he is real (v. 9a). (2) He hates evii, and loves'the good (v. 9b).' (3) He is a Christian gentleman (v. 10). (4) He is ambitious, conscientious, enthusi­ astic, and on fire for Christ (v. 11). (5) He is an optimist in the Christian sense, Uncomplaining in times of trouble and necessity, a man of prayer (v. 12). (6) He is generous with his money and his time in the service, of our Lord, and always is ready to help the children of God in any way he can (v. 13). This is just a partial list of Christian qualities. Make a list of further graces to be found in the remaining verses of this chapter. Ask your own heart if you are allowing God to work in you. .MAY 13, 1945 CHRISTIANITY BEGINS AT HOME C olossians 3:12-21 B y Dorothy Wight Kraft The Christianity we reflect at home is the real depth and height and breadth of our faith in Christ. Home is the first and last testing ground for the Christain soldier. It is the “boot camp” in our Christian experience where we are tried and evaluated, strengthened and regulated for the Christian warfare (Eph. 6:12). It is also the place where we per­ fect .the use of our equipment, the Sword of the Spirit, the shield of faith, the breastplate of righteousness, and the helmet of salvation (Eph. 6:12-18). Therefore, Christian soldiers, let us examine o u r s e l v e s to see whether our Commander-in-Chief, the Lord Jesus Christ, is pleased with our preparation and progress. For Those Who Have Topics I. OUR RELATIONSHIP TO JESUS CHRIST. The Lord Jesus Christ must have first place in our lives as John the Baptist declared in John 3:30. He must have willing obedience from us (1

Sam. 15:22). He also must have our love (John 21:15-17), and our con­ fidence (Psa. 37:3-5). II. OUR RELATIONSHIP TO OUR SUPERIORS. Our parents must have our love, respect, and obedience (Eph. 6:1-3; Col. 3:20). The lack of these, both on the child’s part and the parent’s part, in our average home today has pro­ duced our great juvenile delinquency problem. When God in His wisdom ordered the father and mother to have authority over the household, He equipped them with added years of experience, tempered judgment, a love for the child, and concern for his wel­ fare. The right rel at i onshi p between parents is set forth in Ephesians 5:21- 33. Humility, love, respect, and sacri­ fice are necessary in a happy union (Col. 3:18, 19). It is the parents’ re­ sponsibility to the Lord and their children to establish and maintain a Christian home by the grace of God where these principles are observed. Where Christ is truly Commander-in- Chief, these virtues will be spon­ taneous. “Except the Lord build the house* they labor in vain that build it” (Psa. 127:1). The parents also have God-given responsibilities to their offspring. First of all they are to “ bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6A% This means a family altar where the children are taught God’s Word, and the importance of prayer; and where they come to know God as their heavenly Father, Christ as their Saviour, and the Holy Spirit as their Guide and Teacher. The parents must deal lovingly and justly with their c h i l d r e n in all circum­ stances, not provoking them to anger or discouragement (Col. 3:21). III. OUR RELATIONSHIP TO OUR EQUIPMENT. The weapons for the Christian war­ fare are supplied With limitless power from the d i v i n e storehouse. Our weapon, the Word, is "sharper than any two-edged sword” (Heb. 4:12) and will accomplish that which He has purposed (Isa. 55:11). Prayer is our unimpaired road over which supplies are requested and sent (Eph. 6:18). There need never be a slow up, strike, or breakdown on our “production line.” It is very important that the Chris­ tian soldier be familiar with his weap­ ons through daily use and practice. Our armor (Eph. 6:13-17) is supplied by our Commander-in-Chief, but it is up to us to put it on and to learn to use it. We put on our armor when we accept Christ as our Saviour by faith. The Holy Spirit will teach us how to use it and to Value its protection

through prayer and the study of the Word if we apply ourselves and yield ourselves to Him. Conclusion The following are a few who may be used to illustrate Christian and non-Christian p a r e n t s : Timothy’s mother—E u n i c e , Moses’ mother— Jochebed, Ahaziah’s mother—Athaliah, or Eli and his sons. William F. McDermott gives this beautiful description of the Christian home: “The Christian home is where motherhood is honored as heavenly, fatherhood is revered as a reflection of the fatherhood of God, and childhood is glorified as the fulfillment of love.” MAY 20, 1945 WEST OF THE DATE LINE (Southeast Asia) P salm 98:1-9 By Mabel L. Jordan The appeal of this Psalm is def­ inite and dominantly triumphant. Is our gratitude for salvation so full that we sing unto the Lord for joy? A Chinese boy whose father was a Methodist minister in China came to the United States. While he was studying comparative religions he was gloriously converted. His joy knew no bounds. He jumped and sang for this miracle of God’s grace. As a re­ sult he was committed to a sanitarium. Later he was released. He returned to the Orient where ever since he has radiantly proclaimed the good news of salvation and thereby won thou­ sands to the Lord. Others in distant lands will learn to sing when they come to know our Redeemer. Let us lift up our eyes and look on the fields of Southeast Asia* For Those Who Have Topies I. REJOICE FOR CONVERTS WON (vs. 1-3). 1. Burma is a Buddhist country with a population of oyer fourteen millions. But God has caused thou­ sands to turn away from idols to serve Him. Outstanding B u r m e s e Christians have greatly assisted in carrying on the work of C h r i s t i a n churches, schools, colleges, hospitals, gospel teams, and vacation Bible schools. 2. Thailand, where Buddhism in its purest form flourishes, has thousands of gorgeous temples glittering in the tropical sun. But seven thousand Thai people out of fifteen millions have become Christians and worship in most unpretentious churches established by the missionaries. Rejoice that many Christians have remained true in these testing times! \Conttnued on Page 152)

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