King's Business - 1945-04


April, 1945

GONE TO BE WITH JESUS A little girl whose baby brother had fust died, asked her mother where baby had gone. "To be with Jesus,” replied the mother. A few days fater, talking to a friend, the mother said, "I’m so grieved to have lost my baby.” The little girl heard her say this and, remembering what her mother had told her, looked up into her face and said, "Mamma dear, is a thing lost when you know where it is?” “No, of course not.” “Well, then,” she answered, “how can baby be lost when he has gone to be with Jesus?”

Your New Imp/ovea


People's Bible Study Quarterly


grace and glory closely connected. De­ sire. His reign in hearts. (3) Will be done—Bowing to H is will, only way earth can be like heaven. (4) Give Daily BreadvrAsk for pres­ ent needs; leave future to Father’s care. (5) Forgive—We are still erring creatures as children. (Remember the suppliant began by addressing God as his Father.) Can’t enjoy sense of His pardon if we harbor ill toward others. (6.) Lead Not into Temptation—Self distrust; full reliance upon His lead­ ing. (7) Deliver from the Evil One—need daily deliverance, not only from evil within but without. Conclusion: Prayer attitudes suggested: (a) Reverent (b) Waiting (c) Yielded (d) Childlike (e) Humble (f) Trustful (g) Devout and grateful. •‘Be strong-in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. .. endure' hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ1’ (2 Tim. 2:1, 3). The post of honor in war is attended with difficulties and dangers to which but few are supposed to be equal; yet generals usually allot these hard services to their favorites and friends, who take them as tokens of favor and marks of confidence. Should we not account it an honor and a privilege when the Captain of our salvation assigns us a difficult post, since He inspires His soldiers with wisdom, courage, and strength, suitable to their situation?—John Newton, ★ Honored with Difficulties

The Model Prayer T ext : M att . 6:9

A fresh, original study for each_ Sun­ day in the quarter— topical, devotional, biographical, synthetic, missionary. Also planning ideas and suggestions how to make your meetings interesting. Send 15c for current issue ONLY 10c for complete samples of sound Sunday School papers ana quar­ terlies. FREE: Catalog of Sunday School and Church supplies. Christian Publications, Inc- 1507. N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. your share in this soul-winning ministry. Here are Gospel Messages, keyed to the times, attractive and forceful, appealing and convincing. Post Cards, Cellophane Sheets, etc. Big assortment. Send only 25c. Dept. KB F aith , PRAYER t TRACTLEAGUE,Mutk.gon HI»., Mich. THEY NEVER SLEEP BEST SELLER PUBLICITY car cards are on duty day and night, presenting Christ by means of Scripture verses to the traveling public in Los Angeles and 100 other cities throughout America. Look for them Pray for them Invest in them in this important ministry. Send for information to 3EST SELLER PUBLICITY INC. P. O. Box 3007, Hollywood 28, Calif. ★ Knowledge of His saving grace brought to thousands through our Tracts each year. Have You may share

Introduction: The real “Lord’s Prayer” in the sense oi being offered in His own Person and as expression of His own needs, is John 17. I. This Prayer a Model for Believers Now. (1) Grounded upon relationship to God as Father (Gal. 4:6). (2) Any prayer is “in His Name” when we may s a y “These things Thy Son desires for me.” (a) “Hallowed be N am e”— Jesus the Revelation of the F a t h e r ’ s Name (John 17:6). (b) “Kingdom come” — Jesus the Ruler (Rev. 19:6). (c) “Will be done”—Jesus, per­ fect embodiment of obedi­ ence (Lk. 22:42). (d) “Daily Bread”—Jesus,' the Living Bread (John 6:51). (e) “Forgive debts” — Jesus, Mediator (Col. 1:14). (f) “Deliver us from evil”— Jesus, our Shepherd and Defender (John 10:3). (g) “Amen”—Jesus, the Amen (Rev. 3:14). II. Petitions of the 'Prayer — T h e i r Lessons. "Father in Heaven”—Invocation— Teaches personal God in Heaven. (1) May Thy Name be Hallowed— True reverence of His Name, first es­ sential of prayer. (2) Kingdom Come—Kingdoms of (3) The Gospel is in it.

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