King's Business - 1945-04



CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS LIBRARIES o f r e l ig io u s b o o k s a n d Sets purchased, for cash. Write . Baker's Book Store, ID19 Wealthy- St., Grand Rapids 6, Mich, SINGLE SHEET SONGS: “ THE RAP- ture,” “ Neath the Shadow of. His Wings,“ others. Free for postage. Frank Cotting- hara, South Elgin, 111. ORGANS- FOR SALK: $16,000 list, 44-stop modem pipe organ, 2 manuals, pedals, mag­ nificent tone, chimes, etc., only $2,730: Aeolian Grand, $1,200 list, 22-stop reed or­ gan, 6 oetv., motor and blower, $485; Ham­ mond Novoehord, 6 octv., cost $1,500, gives organ and orchestra effects, $895; all over­ hauled and playing here. Wire, write, or phone. Fred G. Hitt, Daves Ave., Los Ga­ tos, Calif; ROLL OF HONORS, PHOTO POSTCARDS, $4.00 per 109, photostamps, $2.00 per 1QQ. Viewcards, cuts, religious books. Write for circulars. William inline, 2141 Warren Ave., Chicago 12, 111. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN any quantity for distribution to the un­ saved: “ What Have YOU Done With CHRIST?,” “ The Most Important Question of Today,” “ Judge or Saviour,” “ The Res­ urrected Body,” “ Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the WORLD'S HISTORY.” , Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SET- ting for your hymn-poem assures editorial consideration. Music composed, arranged, edited, and printed. New books. Poetic Metre-r-Explained, 25c. Est. 1918. Raymond Iden (KB). Mount Vernon, Ohio. WE PAY CASH FOR PARTIAL OR COM- plete libraries of religious books and sets. Send list. Kregel’s Bookstore, 525 Eastern Ave,, S.E., Grand Rapids 6, Mich. SEND YOUR BEST NEGATIVE FOR $ilrt Glossy enlargements, only 40c; 5*7 Glossy enlargements only 25c. Box 583, Mt. Horeb# Wis. Distributor of Soul-winning books, plaques, and cards. E V E R Y CHRISTIAN SHOULD KNOW how to write articles, feature items, and stories. Special 60-day course for $3.00. Your writings during the course criticized free. Offer limited. Send $3.00 to cover total cost today. Pacific School of Journalism, 1311% E. 14th St., Long Beach 6, Calif. EARN BEAUTIFUL WHITE BIBLE OR Testament selling Scripture stationery, 2oc packet. Samples free. Providence Press, 1218 Virginia, Sioux City 19, Iowa. BOOKS — OUT-OF-PRINT OR HARD-TO- Find Books found free. All Old or New* books mailed post paid. Christian books especially. Henry Rising, 1054 Ingraham. St., Los Angeles 14, Calif. - PASTORS, PARENTS, FRIENDS! SEND us names, military addresses, denomination, of your service people. We will, send to sound pastors near camps. Current ad­ dresses and only in the United States. SERVICEMEN'S CONTACT COMMITTEE, 816 Riverine, Santa Ana, Calif.. THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY Genesis to Be/elation, Chapter by Chapter By Dr. Harlin J. Roper, Pastor Scofield Memorial Church For Sunday Schools, Biblo Classes, young- People’s and Missionary Societies, Vacation Bible Schools, Prayer Meetings, and Homo Study. Samples 15c; 4. grades 60s;. Complete set $2.40 THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY 2010 Bryan St. Dalla* 1, Taxa,

cannot read such books and remain unchanged. It seems no exaggeration to so describe “Born Crucified” by L. E. Maxwell, principal of the Prairie Bible Institute of Three Hills, Alberta, Canada. Comprising as it does the striking editorials which appeared in the SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES for the first seven weeks of 1944, and other additional material, it is a fervent plea for a rugged, separated, victori­ ous life. Through it “ deep calls unto deep” in every Christian heart. Close­ ly adhering to the Scriptures, illus­ trated with telling stories, avoiding doctrinal disputations, it is a valu­ able contribution to the spiritual life of the Christian Church. 191 pages. Moody Press, 153 Institute Place, Chi­ cago, Illinois. Cloth. Price $1.75. PROPHECY PAST, PRESENT AND PROSPECTIVE, by Col. F. J. Miles. “In my teaching for more than half a century,” the author declares, “ God has graciously preserved me from dabbling with fakes and dwelling on details. I have kept to the main lines —past, present and prospective.” The, present volume shows “the main lines” with satisfying clearness. There are chapters on “The Wandering Jew,” “The Place of Israel, Russia and Her Allies in God’s Plan,” “The Threefold Signs of Christ’s C o m i n g , ” “Why Study Prophecy?” and ethers. This would be a useful book to put in the hands of young Christians or to study in the classroom. 143 pages. Zonder­ van Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.25. GIDEON, THE MIGHTY MAN OF VALOR, by Peter J. Pell, Jr. As a practical commentary on Judges 6 to 8, or as a guide to personal or group study, this character study of Gideon is full of suggestiveness. The work does not purport to be profound or ex­ haustive. Ii is an illustration, rather, of the fact that there is in the study of Israel’s national conflict with her enemies in the land of Canaan, a rich source of helpfulness for the Christian in his struggle against “principalities and powers. . . spiritual hosts of wick­ edness.” 93 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price $1. DIVINE PRIORITIES, by H. A. Iron­ side. This is a streamlined book of nine inspiring sermons preached to the congregation of Moody Memorial Church of Chicago by their great and good pastor. Written in Dr. Ironside’s concise, effective style, they cover a variety of s u b j e c t s including the divine priorities, (first things first), from which the title is obtained; a moving word picture of “the Saviour’s touch” ; fools; a tender plea to “ cleave unto the Lord” ; missions; Protestant­ ism and Catholicism; Christ’s humilia­ tion and Divine healing. 104 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co., New York. Cloth. Price $1.25.

[Continued from Page 154] most interesting; furthermore, they stimulate the prayerful reader to in­ dividual witnessing and show him how scriptures may be used effective­ ly in dealing with various cases. 74 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Paper. Price 35 cents. THE ROYAL SUFFERER, by Herman Hoeksema. Eight thoughtful chap­ ters compose this book of Lenten meditations—all of them centered in Him who “ deliberately chooses the way of suffering and death as the sole way into the glory of His royal birthright.” The author, who is a pro­ fessor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary, Grand Rapids, Mich., dis­ cusses such subjects as: “The King Without an Army,” “The King With­ out His Glory,” “Victorious in Defeat” a n d “Victorious in Resurrection.” Reading these messages, one will find that the text, “Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?” will take on new and deep meaning. 120 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. WANLESS OF INDIA, by Lillian E. Wanless. What the Mayo brothers have been to America, Sir William James Wanless was to India. At twenty-four, he forsook a promising medical career in Canada to find an even greater one in the Orient, for in the following forty years he treated one million five hundred thousand patients. To thirteen thousand he gave sight. Great as was his individual ‘effort, of more outstanding impor­ tance was his enlistment of coopera­ tion from various social groups—in a land of strict caste—culminating in the establishment of a notable medi­ cal center in Miraj and of hospitals in six other cities, besides institutions for the treatment of leprosy, tubercu­ losis, etc., and training schools of In­ dian doctors. Fascinatingly written by the “Lil­ lian” in the story who was Sir Wil­ liam’s charming second wife, the book has this uniqueness: around the main facts of the life of William Wanless, fictional characters and episodes have been gathered, which give a compos­ ite picture rich in color and sugges­ tiveness. One sees Sir William as an inde­ fatigable worker, as a believer in the Word of God and the commands of Christ, and as as exemplification of Christian love. Greater emphasis is upon the humanitarian work than upon the evangelickl ministry. 366 pages. W. A. Wilde Co., Boston, Mass. Cloth. Price $3. BORN CRUCIFIED, by L. E. Maxwell. It can be said of few books that one

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