King's Business - 1923-01

8 THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S and work. For instance, in Matt. 5 :17 He declares Himself to be tbe ful- filler of both law and prophets. This is a tremendous statement. 'I t carries us back to Isa. 53, for instance. It takes in the necessity df the blood atone­ ment, the doctrine of sin and depravity. It takes in the scores of prophecies as to His redemptive work. Belief in the Sermon on the Mount therefore involves belief in Him as Redeemer and Lord. Six times in Chapter 5 Jesus makes such statements as .this: “ Moses said—BUT I SAY.” He claims authority to brush aside former laws. This is supreme egotism unless His Deity be acknowledged. . In 6:9 He assumes to teach men how to pray.. Jesus is the revelation ot prayer. No mere man could assume such a responsibility. In 7:21-22 He "claims to be absolute Lord and Master over men. He speaks of the final days and says, “ Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord.” Again—“ Many will say unto ME, Have we not done mighty works IN THY NAME?” In this same passage we ¡also note the unique relation­ ship which He claimed to the Father. Always, in speaking of His own relationship, He says, ' “MY Father,” never classing Himself with others. In speaking of those saved through Him, He says, “Your Father but never “ OUR Father.” Why is this? He is the “ only begotten Son.. I We are sons only through identification .with Him. His relationship is unique. In 7:23 He declares Himself Judge of all the world. “ Depart from ME.” “ I never knew you.” ' . . _ Finally, in 7 :24-27, He affirms the supremacy of His words above all 0t 6These are a few of His claims. Nothing can warrant such words but His Deity. One therefore does not escape the ‘‘doctrine of Christ” {2 Jn. 9) by limiting himself to His first sermon. How foolish is the man who would .attempt to separate the teachings ot Christ from CHRIST HIMSELF. One is powerless to live the teachmgs ot Christ without HIM. He Himself is the “ sure foundation” and it is only because He is, that He can reasonably ask anyone to accept His words, ihe Serlnon on the Mount is “ the Word made flesh and dwelling among us. —K. L. B. KM/gl afe afe “APART FROM ME YE CAN DO NOTHING There lies before us the simple creed of a very modern church. It is beautifully printed in two colors. It is handed to all who visit that church. It says: HHH “ Our Faith “ The Fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man, the leadership of Jesus, salvation by character, the progress of man onward and upward forever* * Here is the up-to-date program of salvation by character and good works. The strange thing is that it professes to be under the “ leadership of Jesus” while denying the fundamental principles that Jesus emphasized continually. . Salvation by character Jesus branded as impossible. He told the best manwho ever came to Him that apart from a new birth through the Holy Spirit he was lost. He pointed that man to the cross as his only hope.

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