King's Business - 1923-01




COMMENT--By tKe Editors

go out and tell the sto ry of Jesu s’ re ­ deeming love. “Good K n igh t!” When anyone says th a t Roman Cath­ olics have sworn allegiance to Rome long before loyalty to our country, they are frequently branded as very unchari­ table. Now and th en a newspaper slips a cog and lets into p rin t statem ents of the Romanists themselves. The Los Angeles Times of October 2 repo rts a sermon by F ath e r Jam es S. O’Neill. He says th e re is only one way to rid the country of those who criticize th e polit­ ical activities of the Roman Church and th a t is for all Catholic laymen to join th e Knights of Columbus, who, he declares, have sworn allegiance to the church first and the state second, and who are “ready to fight.” He says they are 600,000 strong and th a t Cath­ olics could not sleep soundly a t nights were it not fo r th e fact th a t th e re are ten K nights to one member of th e Ku Klux Klan. F ath e r O’Neill continues to eulogize th e “ good kn igh ts” and says th a t in Los Angeles alone la st year th e re were 275 Catholics convicted of crimes who were saved from sentence by th e “big b ro thers of the knights of Columbus.” . Isn’t th a t a wonderful work? We all knew it was next to impossible to get a Rom anist convicted for crime, * bu t who though t th a t a p riest would let the explanation get into a newspaper? Before long th e K nights will be ready to ta k e over th e govern­ m ent hoof and hide. We wish the Times would publish more of F ath e r O’Neill’s sermons. Pagan. Cities New York w ith its immediate envir­ ons now embraces one-tenth of th e n a­ tion ’s population. According to the most recent census report, New York is more th an 75 per cent foreign, 25 p er cent Hebrew, and th e Evangelical church membership has fallen below 10 per cent. Christianity is meeting a decisive te st in New York and the issues will profoundly influence th e fu ­ tu re of th e nation. There is a great-

Everything Lovely \ ( ? ) Will someone help us reconcile the statem en t th a t th e world is rapidly moving upward in evolution, w ith the statistics as to Jhe increase in crime? The Savings Jou rn al says: “We are spending eight times as much money trying to fight vice and crime as it costs to ru n the United States government, and yet th e jails, reform atories, p ri­ sons and asylums are constantly being increased and only 11 per cent of the crimes are being detected and pun­ ished.” Meanest of th e Mean Daily papers have told us th a t a con­ siderable portion of th e condensed milk sent to relieve fam ine conditions in Austria was discovered to be ad u lterat­ ed and unfit for use. Men who w ith ta k e the money of working people given for th e relief of starving babies, and de­ liberately adu lterate it, are surely en ­ titled to be called th e meanest of the mean. One finds it h ard to know where it is safe to give money in these days. H in t to M inisters M inisters who are besieged,by people of whom they know little, for letters of recommendation, m ight get a sug­ gestion from a man 'we have read of who had to discharge a good-for- nothing fellow who had been working for him. The fellow tu rn ed around and asked for a recomm endation. th a t he m ight get work elsewhere. The em­ ployer w rote as follows: “The bearer of th is le tte r worked for me and I am satisfied.” The Bold F acts Twenty-seven m illion nom inal P ro t­ estants not enrolled in Sunday School. E ight million under ten growing up in non-church homes. Two out of th ree under twenty-five receive no religious instruction. How long may a nation endure if such conditions are perm itted to exist? Is th ere any hope of remedy when hundreds of m inisters are de­ p arting from th e F aith ? Not unless God raises up thousands of laymen who will

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