King's Business - 1923-01

99 ju st formed an Orthodox association where th ere can be real fellowship and unhindered work along Scriptural lines. If th e pulpit apostasy is not soon brought to a halt, th ere will be many such orthodox associations formed throughout the country. Success Assured Christian Scientists have opened a M ilitary Academy in Pasadena. In an ­ nouncing th e plans the principal said: “We accept only healthy, normal boys. This environment will be conducive to rapid progress in the rig h t direction and many of the problems of thought- confusion usually experienced in the school will thu s be elim inated.” Is it not peculiar th a t in th is model school in which the principles of “Science and H ealth ” will be taugh t, only those who are plump and robust need apply? W ith these perfect subjects to begin on, we expect soon to hear what wonderful things the “ harmonious atmosphere” of this school does for the boys. heretofore in such form as to be prac­ tical for ordinary readers. The aim of the present volume is to trace out the one dated line whiph run s through the Bible, which line has a definite begin­ ning, a definite course, a definite pu r­ pose, and a definite end. This book will be read fo r in terest, studied for profit, and consulted frequently for in ­ formation. Price, $1.00. The Gospel fo r Today Revell Co. have brought out another volume of addresses by Dr. R. A. Tor- rey. Characterized by Dr. Torrey’s usual lucidity and absolute frankness of appeal, these addresses appeal to laymen, preachers and teachers alike. The Christian Endeavor World says of Dr. Torrey’s sermons: “They are sound to the core. They «will occasion revivals even in th e ir printed form .” There is no m istaking Dr. Torrey. Get th is book a t $1.50. BOOKS Biola Book Room

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S deal of good Gospel work being done there, bu t we are especially th ank fu l fo r the aggressive work of th é National Bible In stitu te in pushing out into the d ark areas of ,sin w ith th e ir street meetings and personal workers. San Francisco also is a pagan city. W hat few churches rem ain tru e to th e Gospel have been pushed to th e outskirts. In no city is th e re g reater need of m ili­ tan t, aggressive evangelistic workers. Orthodox Associations Dr. Van Osdel of the Temple News, says: “A lo t of born-again Baptists Came out of th e old Grand Rapids Association th irteen years ago in an endeavor to be tru e to the Master and His Word, and on th rough the years the Organization has seen to it th a t they should be completely out. All tru e Baptists are happy th a t th is is so, and are quite willing to stand ap a rt in honor of tru th and righteousness.” Other independent associations are now being formed in Michigan. A number of churches in and about Lansing have P erson al and P ractical C hristian Work This is th e title of a book designed either for th e teacher of classes on per­ sonal work, or for th e individual who desires to help along th is im portant line of service. The author, T. C. Horton, Superintendent of th e Bible .In stitu te of Los Angeles, has had the privilege of forty years of practical experience in personal evangelism. The arrangem ent is unique, methods given being tho r­ oughly illustrated, and th e book affords a practical, workable tool for “ fishers of men.” Chronology of th e Bible Mr. Philip Mauro, au tho r of many Bible study books, believes th a t the Bible contains a chronology of its own. The subject has not been presented GOOD O k I m Books From

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